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The good ol days

The Fast Turtle

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This thread will be for all the things you remember when you first started playing TitsRP. Sort of for the new year coming up and I just want you guys to acknowledge how much effort sugar has put into this server and how long he has.


I go first:


So first I buy gmod because I liked to watch youtube because I didn't have a good enough computer to play these games. Once I did I bought Minecraft and Gmod (popular on youtube) so I play prop hunt and random game modes with panda, furry,coco, and deathbear and I ask them what is DarkRP? Death said something like oh you play as a job and basically live a life. So we go on a buildrp server called undisclosed gaming (its shit) and I basically learn the basics of darkrp. So then I'm like that server be so shit so lets find something else. So I'm like let me think of things I want in a server and type it into the search bar, like jobs, meth, etc. I find titsrp and I'm like lelelellelelelelelelelel tits. So I join and the players online I remember is, Taj, morins, crt, Kevin, kaneki, madara, both Tyrones, makuta, Sendai kush, ajg , Ricky123, allysa, silent commando, and I think that's all. So I play on the server for like a month and decide to buy trial mod and death bear makes a custom class called the links (we had mini link player model). I wasn't the best of trial mods back then, and the first time I met sugar wasn't the best time becuase back then I just goofed off and did nothing so sugar comes online and I think his words were something along the lines of "you a terrible mod" so I decide to change and do stuff differently. I started making friends with staff like Tyrone, ken, Kevin, madara. Not too much silent though idk y.


And I remember the server host was a guy name Tyler, and he came on the server and basically just killed random people with a minigun. Also I remember I think bug getting demoted for physgunning allysa. And I made this weird voice that sounded like a typical nerd and Tyrone though it was hilarious and we became friends. I remember Ricky crying before getting banned.


I remember Mr.Pres becoming mod, I remember musical becoming mod, I remember when Judy first came on, and bounce (bosco) coming on.i remember first meeting Neko. I remember the shit with makuta and Johnny cash where the showing pics of makuta to everyone. I remember a lot. Then I started to play rust and got bored of gmod. After like 2-3 months Kankei and silent message me to get on the server and I play on it for about 3-5 days then Erston comes to me and says it's been a while! And I say yeah it has hasn't it. Then he says so you want mod again? I say sure and dats it


Sorry I typed this on my phone.



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well, my story starts a lot like yours i had just bought my first computer and i was like "sick a new computer, what games should i get" and i remembered a game called gmod. so i was like "ima buy this" and i did. i then started exploring game modes and i didn't like any of them until i found darkrp and then i started learning the rules and stuff but i didn't like any of the servers, so i was just fucking around one day typing in random server names and sure enough titsrp poped up so i was like"yas" and logged on to it. when i first joined i loved it because as soon as i joined somebody,i believe it was erston, ran up to me talking some weird shit then ran off. so then i just straight up bought trial mod without contacting sugar or anything, and nothing happend when i bought it so i thought i had just wasted the money so i started spamming admin chat asking what to do, and dead man came to my aid and started explaining shit to me, at some point sugar came in to help, and then the server crashed because it was that period where the server would crash every five minutes, so i rejoined and dead man finished explaining shit to me. i then went on to do nothing and start asking people when i was going to be promoted, even gotta sit with sugar set up to ask him if i would get promoted, and he straight up said "nobody has seen you go to any sits and the one sit i spectated you go to you handled very poorly" so i said to myself "ima try harder at my job and ima get promoted to mod" and well i went to as many sits as i could and read the entire motd like three times and well, it got noticed, i got promoted and i've been trying for admin ever since (hint hint sugar, merry christmas) but ya i have made a lot of great friends in my time on being on the server and am planning on only making more in the days to come.                                                                






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My first gmod experience was a weird one. I’m positive I wrote about it somewhere but I guess I’ll write it again. I’ve had gmod for like 5 years. However, I just started playing it this year. So back then my friends and I only played Minecraft, once they stopped playing they moved on to gmod, I did not have gmod so I saved money to buy it. Once I bought it I was like, “Sick, I’m going to surprise my friends and join their server!” Aaaaaaand purple and black EVERYWHERE. I started screaming to one of my friends and he said that I need the CS:S files. I was like, “heckllll no, I just spent 10 bucks on this game now the developers want me to spend another 20 on the textures?” He sent me files that I downloaded which more or less removed the purple and black textures. I then ran into another problem, my computer was literally a mound of shit. So I quit, and played CS:GO, after a couple years when I bought an amazing computer (which I still use), I was playing League of Legends one day when one of my friends messaged me and told me to open gmod, I was like, “ughhh that game?” and he said “yes open it now, here are the textures nerd.” I asked why he randomly thought of gmod, he said that he saw his younger cousin (zainsameer) playing it and kinda liked it. So he brought all of our friends in as well. Long story short, I fell in love with the community, they didn’t, they went back to League, and I stayed!

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Nova why do I feel like 10% of people that play on the server are related to you somehow irl.


So let me list the players that I've brought in and know irl:


zainsameer (annoying af)







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OK tbh I used to be a huge fucking troll that mass rdmed on other severs ( haha I stopped) so terminatorjr1 was on the server and j was like fuck yeah a new server to mass rdm on I started playing and it became really fun so then it became a daily rutean to get on and play

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OK tbh I used to be a huge fucking troll that mass rdmed on other severs ( haha I stopped) so terminatorjr1 was on the server and j was like fuck yeah a new server to mass rdm on I started playing and it became really fun so then it became a daily rutean to get on and play


I was bored of tits so I went to troll and I mass Rdmed in another server and when I was caught the mod came up to me and was like your a mod on titsrp you should know better. I laughed and he banned me.

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This was actually not my first server choice. The server I was going to play on (forgot the name, but an ok server) shut down unexpectedly after 2 days of me playing. I went on this server called TitsRP, and was immediately drafted into the Hobos (with batballs and Scythe). I remember our grand base, Sirlepepe trying to raid it, and making sick chairs while listening to Rammstein. So, I kept playing until the summer when I applied for Moderator and was accepted. I've seen great things. The fall of Makuta, first death of the Magic Man, listening to Billy Joel in the sewers with Tyrone, a Cursed Chair, and so many more memories that can't be put into this space. I may not have been here since the beginning, but I believe I'm one of the continually longest playing staff members aside from Musical, Crt, Sugar and Silent. I plan to stay for the end of this server, and when it does, expect me to be chilling in a chair, remembering times of good, times of bad, and times of fun. Although, hopefully, it might never end.


Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope you all get good stuff this holiday. I'll be on tomorrow night, every day and night, until the 2nd of January 2016.

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