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From the D to the P

The Fast Turtle

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Well, i'm going to be real with you. The script has has been updated a ton from what I can tell. I don't know how efficient it is but the REAL reason why I want to try it again is because the creator owns SuperiorServers (aka the server with 120 people on it at a time) which means holy poop is that server only Optimized to the max but I can only assume that these logs will be a lot more stable than dlogs. Dlogs was kept alive by me with the March Gmod update which I converted all NWVars into something..I forget what.. but either way these logs are hanging on by a thread.


If people don't like it, we can try Blogs again which all the staff members actually liked but it had its own issues. But I think they may have been resolved. Worse case scenario, we will just use Dlogs again.

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