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Clearly not welcome back.


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So, I made a mod app, and it got denied based on a report made on me which i had honestly forgotten, considering it was just me being a complete assface, not abusing my powers or anything like that. I am sorry for what I said and did, and I was frustrated and I shouldn't have done what I did. I took around 150 cases in the span of about a couple weeks, and I'm the worst t-mod this servers, according to the staff member who denied it, has ever seen. I would understand the denial, but I've been moderating and managing servers for years, and I take pride in my skill, and hearing that really makes me reconsider if I should join the gaming community again, since moderating/managing servers is one of my favorite things to do. If after 4 months I am looked at the same, regardless of my experiences over the past months, then I know already I'm not welcome. I thank you all for the wonderful experiences you gave and shared with me, and I wish you all the best.

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Gum, your attitude towards players is VERY toxic, and you bash into people often. An example of this is when you blatantly ignored sits from a specific person and made fun of them and their grammar. I don't disagree with the staff team that you're the worst t-mod they've ever seen. I mean I was a pretty bad tmod, I only lasted 1 day due to my warns being found out and getting reported for a mistake I made, but you are beyond how bad I was. I also don't know how you could've forgotten a report that got you DEMOTED. To top that all off, you lied in your moderator application and claimed your inactive, and even lied to players in game about why you were demoted to make yourself look good. You claimed "I did nothing wrong, I was just inactive". 


And even though you're very toxic, it's sad to see a player leave our server. Goodbye, Gumbowl.

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If you want to make a thread, I can share some stories if you'd like.




[Censored] 09/11/2017

When I was in the RDA sit with a payer called Jev and Gum I asked him if he has Evidence of him watching Jev doing the Crime and he was like "Man iam TMod I don't need Evidence"


[Censored] 09/11/2017

He had a video but the situation got solved tho anyways Gum also keeps joining staff on duty And noclips around

[Censored] 09/11/2017

There was some YouTuber on and he Noclipped to him to do some shit all the time


What's weird is that like yesterday I shared a story about the time you approached me and managed to get three rules incorrect at the same time, all of which were in the MOTD at the time. One of them was the trespassing = KOS rule which has been around since before I joined

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Gumbowl, you aren't staff material if you think that you can claim someone did something without evidence. "man im tmod i don't need evidence". I am also fascinated that you thought you could break NLR to kill a bounty hunter after they killed you. I don't like how you act like the victim in this thread and seem to think you are 100% innocent and never did anything wrong, and thought you were staff material. You have broken many rules as a Tmod, and I am glad that you're not able to be back on the staff team. I wouldn't want to have to deal with someone who thought they could claim someone did a crime/broke rule without any evidence whatsoever.

Personally, I don't think he deserves a chance to become staff again after I heard about him insulting someone for making sits without grammar and ignoring the persons sits completely.

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Gumbowl, you aren't staff material if you think that you can claim someone did something without evidence. "man im tmod i don't need evidence". I am also fascinated that you thought you could break NLR to kill a bounty hunter after they killed you. I don't like how you act like the victim in this thread and seem to think you are 100% innocent and never did anything wrong, and thought you were staff material. You have broken many rules as a Tmod, and I am glad that you're not able to be back on the staff team. I wouldn't want to have to deal with someone who thought they could claim someone did a crime/broke rule without any evidence whatsoever.

Personally, I don't think he deserves a chance to become staff again after I heard about him insulting someone for making sits without grammar and ignoring the persons sits completely.


Hey buddy, he did some bad shit lmao. If he wanna prove hes different I dont see why not, just gonna be a hard 1 to get back on the staff team.

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Well considering everything said here I can see why you were demoted, I was inactive for this past week and didn't know the full story.


Noclipping around may be the norm on other servers but here, as I'm sure you were told, noclip is only to be used when absolutely necessary. Of all the evidence Walter put forth the Youtuber one is the one that raises the most red flags for me.


Hopefully you can enjoy the server as a normal member.

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