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Coup & Revolution Tweaks

Big Ass

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Coup [My Suggestion]

I believe Coups should be added in the server. I mean sure there are Revolutions but what if the people are incredibly weak, fail 10 revolts, can't even get past second doors in pd, and are basically powerless? Revolution are for the people but not the force (Such as swat & police). But what if the cp got tired of the mayor's act and incompetence? They should be able to start a coup. The coup should be started outside the pd so there should be some invisible border where it wouldn't let you start a coup right next to the mayor in his office. But wait you're thinking of how this isn't fair. This is gonna be a cp vs mayor so basically 14 v s 1. CP should have two options, to either to join the coup or join and help the mayor. If you manage to join the mayor and win you should be rewarded some sort of money ( Which can convince the cp to stay with the mayor). 

Not sure if this it too op but if it is tell me what more should be added in this coup idea.


Revolution Tweaks and Fixes

It pisses alot of people off when a trumpet player or some minge comes in the pd while there is a revolution. You can tell him to back off with advert binds but it takes time and you might focus more on the minge instead of the revolution which could possibly kill you. Once a revolution starts anyone in the pd should be kos except for revolters of course. You would get like the past cp (who died and came back to pd) telling the mayor that there is this many people or how low this guy is which benefits them. Or you could get these guys who are blocking the doorway or stairway which takes the precious time off the revolt time. 


That's all.

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