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Printers and Boxes


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so i have been basing a lot for the past 48 hours and have noticed some outrageous bugs that happened to me, here are the ones that i noticed:


Bug 1 


Description: Printers noises can be heard but can't be found

How to reproduce: pickup box a none silenced printer and the noises will stay


Bug 2



Description: you can eat two pickup boxes at the same time but you will lose the second one



How to reproduce: eat a pickup box then kys then eat another box, wait and you will throw up the first box and the second box will disappear.


Bug 3



Description: so the printer's battery bar glitches out and stops moving, after few seconds it just jumps a big one, and it's really annoying



How to reproduce: just watch the printer work


Bug 4



Description: sometimes when the failsafe dies, it shoots flares, but when i put a failsafe on it, it just doesn't fill, sometimes it need 2 failsafes and sometimes it  would eat like 4-5 failsafes to stop



How to reproduce: wait for the failsafe to die and give it another failsafe instantly 


Bug 5



Description: sometimes the pickup boxes go no colided for no reason whatsoever and you can not get the items that you put inside of them, destroying them won't help out either



How to reproduce: i have no idea


Bug 6

Description: ok so sometimes pickup boxes say that they have some stuff one them, like 4/5  2/5, but doesn't show in which slot nor whats in it



How to reproduce: disconnecting from the server causes this problem to happen or not being near the pickup box when it gets used




Priority: Medium




i have noticed these myself, you can try and expanding it by posting more bugs that happened to you with printers/pickup boxes 

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Bug 7


Description: pickup boxes go under the elevator


How to reproduce: put a pickup box on top of the elevator and use it


Bug 8



Description: you can actually drop the stuff thats inside the pickup box without looking at the deposit slot, and can lead to your stuff going through walls



How to reproduce: press e behind or the sides of the pickup box that has items

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Bug 9


Description: so you do not get the exact amount of money as the printer shows, ex: i can see the printer saying 45,000 but when i click collect it just gives me 30,000 and it's been bothering me ever since

How to reproduce: watch the printer's money pool and press collect, it should not give you the exact amount that it's showing

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Bug 9


Description: so you do not get the exact amount of money as the printer shows, ex: i can see the printer saying 45,000 but when i click collect it just gives me 30,000 and it's been bothering me ever since

How to reproduce: watch the printer's money pool and press collect, it should not give you the exact amount that it's showing



Not a bug, if you're not the original owner of the printer than you don't get the full amount.. Unlucky

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Bug 9


Description: so you do not get the exact amount of money as the printer shows, ex: i can see the printer saying 45,000 but when i click collect it just gives me 30,000 and it's been bothering me ever since

How to reproduce: watch the printer's money pool and press collect, it should not give you the exact amount that it's showing



Not a bug, if you're not the original owner of the printer than you don't get the full amount.. Unlucky

ew that should not be here, i pay a lot of money for my printers and spend a LOT of raiding materiales to acquire these printers, i think they should be fixed

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