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Description: Walking on the street by the kingdom portal makes your screen glitch out until you walk past http://plays.tv/video/5b4782792f4378280b/gmod-portal-bug-and-lockpick-bug


How to reproduce: Walk on the street behind the kingdom portal. The portal was locked at the time so that might be causing the issue



Priority: High









Description: There is no visual loading bar when you lockpick anymore. IDK if this was on purpose or just a bug but imo this isnt something sugar would take out of the game.



How to reproduce: Lockpick a door/portal 



Priority: Medium 






Description: Because i was not the original owner of my gang i cannot start gang wars. Its still says the leader of the gang must start wars even tho i am the Leader of the Gang.



How to reproduce: Make a gang and transfer ownership to another person. Have that person try to start a war. 



Priority: Low









Description: You get stuck inside people using the reduced size Tailsman. 



How to reproduce: Use a reduced size tailsman and run into someone. 



Priority: Low

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