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TitsRP Notes v1

Mr. Peanut Butter

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make jigsaw tp behind a target rather than where the target is looking since it can be abused to have too much advantage over jigsaw as their target and basically being invulnerable to jigsaw.


revamp rep system, maybe make it against the rules to false rep and/or make smods+ able to delete people's false reps because I can't get past 28 because everytime some whiny kid doesn't get his way in a sit he just -reps me, and I also get a lot of random -reps from random people I have never met or otherwise interacted with or with racist comments, or etc. Also add a way to see who posted the rep other than just their profile picture, as you won't know who posted a rep unless you already know them and recognize their profile picture.


fix zooming in with snipers from third person so that you actually get the effect of switching in and out of first person like you do with other guns.


make demotes last longer and make it so that if you get demoted from a cp job you cannot join any cp job while demoted. if this is too complicated maybe force demoted people to stay citizen and not able to switch to any job for a set amount of time, which needs to be significantly longer than the current demote time. the reason for this is if someone is demoted they tend to instantly go to a similar job and keep doing dumb stuff.


add job ban back to the tab menu, and make a cp ban in case they are deemed incompetent of being cp at all so that they cannot just pick another cp job immediately after.


add an indication that someone is wanted by cp and why in the tab menu like the old tab menu had.


add an indication that someone is your steam friend in the tab menu like the old tab menu had, such as a flashing light or symbol or something. 


make non-staff able to click on a user's name in the tab menu, close the tab menu, and re-open it to still show that user's info the way staff can, in case someone needs to track a player for evidence in a player report because staff are unavailable in game.


make it so that when staff spectate someone and open tab menu it automatically opens the info of the person being spectated like the old tab menu did.


change the rule on mayor firing cp so that instead of firing cp for any reason/no reason it follows normal demote rules and needs a valid rp reason. this way, the mayor can still get rid of undesirables by firing for a reason such as "I don't think you are a good addition to the police force" or etc, but they cannot just mass demote the entire police force and not allow anyone to join, which is very frustrating and makes for a very bad dynamic in the context of rp.


disallow CC's from kidnapping, its way too OP and makes countering these types of kidnaps near impossible, which encourages more people with CC's to mass kidnap to where, once AGAIN I'm getting kidnapped by someone every 5 minutes no matter where I am, I can be in the corner of the top of the map and get kidnapped by some minge with an expensive CC AND it takes half the city to stop them. It's at the point that with this on top of extreme toxicity and minging throughout the server it makes me, as a staff member, want to yell that everyone can heck off as I ragequit the server. Or you can just get rid of kidnapping entirely because its low effort RP that does nothing but annoy the heck out of literally everyone except the people that do it all day every day.

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I don't really see why there should be rules against whats allowed to rep for, if you're getting racist reps they are obviously just being racist and can be warned/banned if they don't change or remove it. If you're getting -reps from randoms ts most likely because you made a bad first impression for them and its working as intended, any player no matter their "relevance" on the server can give thier opinion on people. 


I don't think kidnapping is in a bad spot at all even for ccs, I personally barely ever get kidnapped and when i do I would guesstimate 40-50% of the time its someone who will actually use it as intended by bringing me to their base and demanding ransom for my relase. If you are getting kidnapped every 5 minutes I honestly think thats on you for not being attentive. I will say tho like in the other guy's thread that the perk that reduces cooldown on the bludgeon can be increased making the risk of kidnapping someone higher, if you die you will need to wait longer to attempt again. Maybe doubling it to 60 seconds is a good change? No matter how expensive the cc is they have the same tools as anyone else and the only 2 things that make people faster is adrenaline and cocaine, would it be different if I would use adrenaline as a cultist and kidnap? doesn't make sense imo. Also again since adrenaline removes a third of the users hp its really easy to kill them too

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I don't really see why there should be rules against whats allowed to rep for, if you're getting racist reps they are obviously just being racist and can be warned/banned if they don't change or remove it. If you're getting -reps from randoms ts most likely because you made a bad first impression for them and its working as intended, any player no matter their "relevance" on the server can give thier opinion on people. 


How can I warn/ban someone if I don't know who left the comment? How can I make a bad impression on someone I've never met? When did I say someone needed to be relevant to give rep? They should be relevant to me maybe, because I would prefer some context as to why I'm getting repped by the person.



I don't think kidnapping is in a bad spot at all even for ccs, I personally barely ever get kidnapped and when i do I would guesstimate 40-50% of the time its someone who will actually use it as intended by bringing me to their base and demanding ransom for my relase. If you are getting kidnapped every 5 minutes I honestly think thats on you for not being attentive. I will say tho like in the other guy's thread that the perk that reduces cooldown on the bludgeon can be increased making the risk of kidnapping someone higher, if you die you will need to wait longer to attempt again. Maybe doubling it to 60 seconds is a good change? No matter how expensive the cc is they have the same tools as anyone else and the only 2 things that make people faster is adrenaline and cocaine, would it be different if I would use adrenaline as a cultist and kidnap? doesn't make sense imo. Also again since adrenaline removes a third of the users hp its really easy to kill them too


I don't really see how you can have any opinion on being kidnapped, you are the single most competitive person on this game and if you are not basing or raiding, idk what you're doing, but it's not involving interactions with everyone in the mainstreet area. If people are actually RPing when they kidnap you, that's fantastic, maybe it should be required, and that would lower the amount of people targeted by a single person because now you have to interact with them. Me getting kidnapped has nothing to do with me not paying attention, I can pretty much tell when its about to happen from visual queues. The issue is that being a well-known player makes me a target for every minge with a CC thinking they are just pranking me and it's funny, but it's the same issue I have with people messing with me while I'm in my car: it's NOT funny when everyheckingbody is doing it constantly. I don't think raising the cooldown will make any difference because like I said there are players who kidnap ALL THE TIME. And no, CCs are not the same as regular players. Most regular players don't have masterswords/batclaws, and 20 guns, and they certainly don't get to keep respawning with them. It also has nothing to do with adrenaline and cocaine so I don't know whwhy you are regurgitating that in this post as if it has any relevance to CCs being able to jump around everywhere and make it unsafe to be idle anywhere in the city for more than a couple minutes, because it doesn't. That's a completely different topic of discussion. I'm not concerned if a cultist kidnaps someone while on drugs so that they can get to their base faster and have a bigger range of kidnap. I'm concerned with pay-to-win players being able to target me for kidnaps that they are not even going to roleplay over and over and over and not being able to avoid it anywhere because people think its a funny meme to keep kidnapping someone who actually IS trying to RP, and being incredibly difficult to stop because they can switch to a minigun or a chainsaw gun or [insert secretly exploited OP gun of the week here] and destroy everybody. I get that MOST CC items are reskins of regular weapons that everyone has access to on a regular basis, BUT not all of them are. There are still a lot of CC items that have unique attributes and properties that nobody has access to, at least not on purpose. That, and CCs get to respawn with as many guns and items as they can afford, which is a lot for some people. The issue isn't even just that I'm getting kidnapped too frequently, it's that I'm powerless to stop other people from getting kidnapped also from the same people.

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Maybe ban CCs from doing anything since they kidnap me!!! Banning CCs won't fix your problem. I could switch to cultist go on top of a rooftop and jump off to kidnap you. That's the same effect but I will get damaged. If I fail and you try to attack me I could shoot you with the 100 guns I bought from the supplier. Since a CC weapon slot costs 10 mil If I remember right those 100 guns would be nothing.

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Maybe ban CCs from doing anything since they kidnap me!!! Banning CCs won't fix your problem. I could switch to cultist go on top of a rooftop and jump off to kidnap you. That's the same effect but I will get damaged. If I fail and you try to attack me I could shoot you with the 100 guns I bought from the supplier. Since a CC weapon slot costs 10 mil If I remember right those 100 guns would be nothing.


I agree cc’s are too op they only put all their life savings into creating what they have please don’t allow cc’s no more

Cc’s and kidnapping have already been nerfed to shit idk how you people still find room to complain

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