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my resignation and other things


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Last Night I hopped into the Staff Channel to announce it but i figured I should write a forum post. I have resigned from my senior moderator role. Partly because of activity. I've been working a ton and between that and a girlfriend there just isn't much time to play the server. Aswell as I feel like im constantly running out of things to do on the game. I will still play on the server from time to time. I want to thank the staff team for the opportunity to become a Senior Moderator.


On a side note, my original reason for joining the staff team was to complete one giant meme. I wanted to be [Respected] role. My First day of TitsRP, Piklas told me I would never be [Respected]. 


All my cc editor items will be on sale until my return. You can check out my Scythe, 2 Fully Custom Player Models, or my Succubus Player Model. 


Special Thanks to:


Sugar - u are a good memer

Walter - ur a good dad

umbak - u are good teacher

griffin - u are good teacher

doc mcstubbins - u are good friend




goodbye for now friends

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