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So, as staff, I often find that new players break rules due to their lack of knowledge of the rules.

That is why I propose that when a player joins for the very first time, they have to answer a 10 question quiz about the MOTD.


I would be happy to write a bank of multiple choice questions from which 10 would be chosen at random for the quiz.

In order for a player is able to move, chat, etc., they must achieve at least a 60/70% on the quiz.


I think this would help in two ways:

  1. It will eliminate the excuse of "well I didn't know the rules" in sits, because that is a stupid reason to begin with, and with a quiz, that excuse would be impossible.
  2. It would help weed out minges, since minges are lazy, so making them do work before they can minge will deter a bunch of them.

Hopefully you'll take my suggestion into consideration :)




Im not staff but I like the idea c: seems it would be very helpful to newer players. c: Good Job Slicky :>

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