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Booper's Suggestion

Booper Scooper

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Well, it was at least a thought since I had a few others agreeing about it. 


But I guess one more thing, 


Add a DarkRP ULX command thinga ma bob for staff.


One Command I had in mind:


ULX Removelaw - Forces /removelaw by a staff member. For example:


Law #4 - everyone mass rdm people and shit


"Staff Member has removed Law: Law #4 - everyone mass rdm people and shit"


I can't think of any other command sadly but it'd be cool if you guys could suggest some here lol

this should NOT be a thing because many times I play as mayor and have mingey but ALLOWED laws and some mods will ask for the removal of a law that I am 100% sure is allowed. IF this became a command, it should be admin only.


If a staff removes a valid law then report them or something lol. And that was merely an example of a command.

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Longer bans don't really help against these people unless its like a month or permaban, most people who mass rdm are just logging on once or did it by accident since they are new. Only a few people actually come back after being banned multiple times and 1 week is a 168 hour ban so imo its enough. making the standard ban 2 weeks won't really do much to take away people who just come on to the server and after a while mass rdm and won't come back for a long time and for the people who actually mass rdmed and then want to play 2 weeks (336 hours) is harsh.

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To be honest banning someone for 14 days for killing 3-5 people shouldn't be like that. 

14 days should be MassRDM that goes 4-9,being banned after told not to do to something, like finding an exploit then doing that exploit.

Permabanning should be advertising other servers,DDOs threats 5+ bans and no ban appealing from those bans, exploiting money.


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