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Im just gonna label a few thing i thought would be interesting to add for gameplay wise and motd as well so here goes:

1. Actions while sitting:

Reason for adding: A couple of reasons for me and so many other people wanting this is there are many scenarios where a person is trying to grab a potion at a RP bar or is wanting to use a fishing pole while sitting on a bench but cant because of the sitting addon not supporting this.



[align=left]What this will fix/do: Having some sort of work around without compromising the add on itself would really help with these situations where someone is wanting to be more interactive while sitting.

2. Any non megabase/kingdom specific jobs may only own 1 building at at time:


Reason for Adding: So i think its pretty obvious that some buildings are worth more than others (growing houses, sought after bases with good defense capabilities, etc.) but when a whole block of the neighborhood can be owned by one person who spreads out their raidables prevents other players from owning those places it can get a little frustrating. At least if people can own infinity amount of bases make it so that there be some sort of door ordering system to allow them to check which doors they own in which specific location.[/align]



[align=left]What this will fix:  This will fix it when they do inevitably stop "using them" that a mod doesnt have to drag that person all over the place.


3. Auction job implementation:


So basically the auctioneer would be able to spawn 2 things. One: a auction display case which the auctioneer can lock to prevent unwanted auctions and the ability to eject the item and is a entity of which that holds the item for auction until the auction is over at which point the item will be spawned into the persons inventory. And Two, a large TV that will display the name of the item being sold, the starting bid, current bid, and the last persons name to bid on the item. Now for the auction display case i was thinking that it could act the same way as the gen buyer except for the fact that you can only put one thing in it and that you can name the item you are wanting to auction before you put it in the display case. Now because the auctioneer is going to be facilitating the auctioning it would only be fair if there were a system in place to take 15% of the profits from the bidding before going the person who auctioned in the first place as to give the job some validity. But what would the auctioneer actually be doing? Well the answer is simple: first the auctioneer would invite all players interested in auction to a sort of party except being exclusively for auctioning. After a while the auctioneer may choose to start the auction. Now since the auction is started a "auction HUD" would appear that would show the same thing the Large TV that the auctioneer can spawn except this would be apart of a auction HUD and would also feature the ability to have a betting slider that you could move up  and down to change how much you wanted to bet with a "bet" buttion aswell. Now while the auction is going on the auctioneer can have 30 seconds per bet to make 3 calls and close the auction with atleast 3 seconds between each call to prevent short auctions and that otherwise the auction will automatically be called after that time to whoever betted last. The auctioneer should also be able to cancel the auction incase of some sort of emergency to prevent high priced items from being auctioned off for very little.[/align]



Reason for adding: People who are already trying to auction things are having a very hard time getting a crowd of people to do this and makes these sorts of practices almost impossible without having to spam advert.



[align=left]What this will fix: Adding a job with these specific traits will make auctioning a fun and interesting new job to add more variety to the server.


4. inventory trading and graphs of trade prices from before:



Reason for adding: Many people have trouble with getting scammed, not knowing what to sell something for, getting items stolen while trying to make a transaction.



What this will fix: This simple method of selling and buying goods in darkrp would make scamming a thing of the past and would make trading items in tits 1000% easier.


What i mean by this is the ability to trade with someone ONE item at a time through their inventory and to then have the option in that same trading hub to be able to refer to prices of sold items through this trading method to be able to find a good price on what to sell or buy the item in question for. I also would like the idea of giving money through this trading HUD to account for those times when you are just looking to buy something and not trade a item for a item.


5. Add in MOTD a sign that allows public places to have fading doors closed off to people IF the public place is first inspected by staff to contain NO raidables:



Reason for adding: Very often i find myself getting shot up at a bar i just made because little Jimmy wants to go inside the VIP area or behind the bar only to realize i wont let him and proceeds to shoot me to death "because i could have raidables in there."



What this will fix: This will make it so that harmless rp public places are not shot up soley for that fact that they have a place closed off.


Now i get that claiming to be a public place with no raidables and claiming to be a public place while HIDING raidables is hard to know the difference if you don't have x ray vision but that's where staff comes in. If staff could manually look through the public place behind fading doors and put some sort of seal of approval near the bar to allow it to have fading doors locked while still being a public place that's not allowed to be raided. Like i said before i GET that having closed fading doors makes the place a target but sometimes when a guy with a AK47 wants to shoot up your public place before he gets banned that's all you got between HIM and YOU, just saying.


6. YT videos in Tits rp: 


Reason for adding: If someone is wanting to show a friend on the server a video they will have to do it externally taking away from the flow and experience of continuously playing on the server.[/align]



What this will fix: This will help in allowing people on the server to play videos on YT with their friends without having to use a external site.



[align=left]Now im PRETTY sure that some servers already have this, and to what would need to be done to have a working video player with audio must either be pretty easy, really hard im not sure, but i can definitely tell you that it would be a REALLY good addition to the server as a whole. I mean Christ you have whole SERVERS on Gmod devoted to just playing video and audio imagine how that would be like in a darkrp server? Other then that its pretty straightforward but the methods to getting this done are far beyond my knowledge.


7. more in depth farming mechanics:



Reason for adding: Most farming on the server is just Mouse one and done.



What this will fix: This will help by making farming on the server less of a chore and more of a dull activity.


So ive probably spent about 10 hours in total just fishing for random weapons out of the fountain and while the whole concept of fishing in the server is already quite enjoyable, i think i speak for alot of people that think fishing is probably the best attempt at making blatent farming more complex then just hitting a rock with a pick or chopping a tree with a axe. That being said if there were some sort of more detail to fishing, like for instance some sort of HUD that showed you the names of each fish and the chance you could get them or some sort of timing mini game where you have to click at the right time to drag the fish in right. Also the whole timing minigame could also be implemented for trees and rocks and maybe add something with rocks where theres a certain chance for you to get a diamond every once in a while or some other thing then just metal.


8. Dont despawn tilling plots after players have left the server:



Reason for adding: Many people that buy tilling plots from other players will find really quickly that sooner or later their investment will be disappearing along with any almost grown plants with it.



What this will fix: This will make tilling plots act the same as printers and processors and thereby make them just as flexible in terms of reliable money making.



So idk if this was left out of the other non-despawnable raidables but i think it should be treated as such since anyone who has the item regardless of ownership can profit from it making it on par with printers and processors. Then again if there was a reason for leaving this out in the first place i understand.


Now im not saying i want to add all these things because the server needs them to be "good" the server itself is already in good standing order as far as im concerned, i just want it to become more than that and i think by adding or at the very least considering these suggestions would be a step in the right direction, thanks!

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for number 5 i don't think thats really feasible to implement but what I would argue is acceptable use of fading doors is if anything behind the fading door is visible. For now I would just not use fading doors in public buildings.


Number 8 seems good too and I would personally want to be able to put tiling plots inside pickup boxes

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for number 5 i don't think thats really feasible to implement but what I would argue is acceptable use of fading doors is if anything behind the fading door is visible. For now I would just not use fading doors in public buildings.


Number 8 seems good too and I would personally want to be able to put tiling plots inside pickup boxes

K whatchu think about the other 6? really would like to get some opinions on all of them as maybe there was something that i could of added to or changed, thx for your reply on those 2 though.

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I like these suggestions when you say farming mechanics I think all money farming mechanics need to be better. It's so boring right now.. Makes nobody base because it's by far the most boring thing to do on the server ATM and I use to be a base hermit

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I think tilling plots should definitely stay on the server whenever whoever spawned them disconnects / they should be able to be placed in pickup boxes.  besides when i go on mass rdm sprees and pay the mods not to ban me, i fish. being able to catch fish  while sitting on a bench or a chair would be a nice feature, i saw in the changelog you can finally fish in first person so that's a plus, only problem is you'd have to get out of your chair to inventory whatever you catch, unless you know the workaround for this, which still requires leaving your seat.


videos being able to be displayed to your friends on the server instead of just the audio is a big plus. idk how many resources it'd take to implement this but its a nice feature. 80% of the server nowadays just stands around pd or fountain, killing kidnappers or being cop mains and arresting the kidnappers

Regarding public bases, if a base is public the server rules state it needs to have a textscreen saying "public bar" or "public place" because if a sign is up, fading doors can be allowed and no money making entities are allowed to be there so therefore nobody can raid it so theres really no need to find a fix for getting killed in a public base.

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I think tilling plots should definitely stay on the server whenever whoever spawned them disconnects / they should be able to be placed in pickup boxes.  besides when i go on mass rdm sprees and pay the mods not to ban me, i fish. being able to catch fish  while sitting on a bench or a chair would be a nice feature, i saw in the changelog you can finally fish in first person so that's a plus, only problem is you'd have to get out of your chair to inventory whatever you catch, unless you know the workaround for this, which still requires leaving your seat.


videos being able to be displayed to your friends on the server instead of just the audio is a big plus. idk how many resources it'd take to implement this but its a nice feature. 80% of the server nowadays just stands around pd or fountain, killing kidnappers or being cop mains and arresting the kidnappers

Regarding public bases, if a base is public the server rules state it needs to have a textscreen saying "public bar" or "public place" because if a sign is up, fading doors can be allowed and no money making entities are allowed to be there so therefore nobody can raid it so theres really no need to find a fix for getting killed in a public base.


im almost sure a server already has the TV implemented, would love if sugar could maybe talk to that server owner and see about getting it added onto this one.

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We need to add a vape dealer into the game I think it’d be a fun way people can spend their money and it could be made pricey since smoke can lower the fps a lot just my thoughts on the subject.

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