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When CC players die to juggernaut


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Here's a lesson in game design, what do you think is good game design?


A. Damn this will be a hard revolt a lot of good playing

B. Damn they have 1 person who can 1v10 this will be hard


I've said this so many times. Just nerf jug and if it is sugar need the community's opinion that that will be too weak just give multiple jobs good synergy or slight advantages. In the same way what would you rather see, 1 thief with all tools, more armor and literally the best weapon or have it like right now where different jobs have different uses and not a 1 man army.


Saying that bug shouldn't be nerfed is stupid on many different levels. 1 cc's only have the advantage of a lot of tools right now. 2. You can divide advantage to different jobs for teamwork. 3. The same principal is used on thief jobs and those get used without barely anyone saying they are under- or overpowered.


I get that this is a shjtpost but that idea is shared seriously by several players and I have only seen 1 argument for it, CC but again those don't even have have advantage at all

"it's fine because cc players have op weapons"


*Cc weapons are reskins of the weapons everyone has access to*


please direct me to the nearest speed swep dealer




that's not the same thing


Just how do speedsweps counteract a juggernaut????????

Literally arguing to keep an overpowered class because cc' s have a swep to move around the map and not allowed to use in to. How about making minigun a weapon not allowed in rp ?

From what you've just said it seems like you want it to be easier to steamroll cops. Make your PD Raids and revolts a little easier. No other CP class can standup to a cc fairly so im not sure where you're trying to get at with this "Synergy".

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Here's a lesson in game design, what do you think is good game design?


A. Damn this will be a hard revolt a lot of good playing

B. Damn they have 1 person who can 1v10 this will be hard


I've said this so many times. Just nerf jug and if it is sugar need the community's opinion that that will be too weak just give multiple jobs good synergy or slight advantages. In the same way what would you rather see, 1 thief with all tools, more armor and literally the best weapon or have it like right now where different jobs have different uses and not a 1 man army.


Saying that bug shouldn't be nerfed is stupid on many different levels. 1 cc's only have the advantage of a lot of tools right now. 2. You can divide advantage to different jobs for teamwork. 3. The same principal is used on thief jobs and those get used without barely anyone saying they are under- or overpowered.


I get that this is a shjtpost but that idea is shared seriously by several players and I have only seen 1 argument for it, CC but again those don't even have have advantage at all

"it's fine because cc players have op weapons"


*Cc weapons are reskins of the weapons everyone has access to*


please direct me to the nearest speed swep dealer




that's not the same thing


Just how do speedsweps counteract a juggernaut????????

Literally arguing to keep an overpowered class because cc' s have a swep to move around the map and not allowed to use in to. How about making minigun a weapon not allowed in rp ?


1. this was a meme post and you ruined it. You're literally Buzz Killington right now. no one wants that energy here...

2. I never said that. That is not the premise of my thoughts on the matter. I was not arguing with anyone. That's a completely different conversation referring back to one that was had in staff chat earlier.

3. BOI! Have you ever played... ummm... what was it called? Oh. Basically ANY OTHER SHOOTER GAME??? Once you mow down 20 people like it's nothing they gotta send the juggernaut(s) in. Its the boss fight man, your time to shine, or have all the shiny bullets pierce you as you struggle to do damage cause u r bad mmmkay. You should be thankful there is only one jugg and unlimited CCs. You can't see the advantage, really? You Elitist prick. (prickly like a pickle)

(also jugg has been nerfed already you ungrateful elf)

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