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ayy lmao


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Guess it's time I make one of these. You might have seen me playing on TitsRP already but I just really hate writing/typing so I never introduced myself.



I'm twenty and live in basically the wilderness I hear packs of coyotes directly outside my house every day and frequently hunt birds, deer, and elk on my property.


I built my own competitive gaming rig last year on black Friday and saved around $500 on my components. I play CS:GO, DOTA 2, TF2, Black Desert, Black Squad, Rocket League, all of the Dark Souls franchise and 200+ more game titles I don't have time to put here.


I'm a huge GoT nerd I've seen every episode and read the books at least 4 times. I'm also an American policy wonk and moderate a news/politics  youtube channel called The David Pakman Show.


I've played Gmod for more than 5 years and have moderated many servers since then usually either TTT or DarkRP. I play on TitsRP almost exclusively now because you can buy CC's with in-game money and because the map is unique and fun.

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