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The rules about laws.


Should we make mayor's rules more strict?   

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  1. 1. Should we make mayor's rules more strict?

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   Ok so I enjoy titsRP as much as the next guy but, we need more rules about the laws mayor can, and cant do. 


          Like this for example, please note this is not a report on Genkki its a discussion about the laws we can make as a mayor, Anyway for example this  screen shot; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273554146 or this one  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273553973    So you telling me that if you break a window or play Pomf Pomf ear slap (lets be honest that's the only song worthy of ear rape) it is equal to, and I quote for the MOTD, "Killing more than one officer, kidnapping the Mayor, killing the Mayor, calling a terrorist act" SO YOUR TELLING ME that ear raping a song or breaking a window IS EQULO KILLING THE MAYOR OR MASS MURDER. LIKE WTF. We need restrictions! Or something like this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273554272  There are no cars why is J-walking allowed to even be  law. AND ON TOP OF NO CARS ITS A TERROIST OFFENCE! This is also something that is complete and utter bullshit, this; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273554390   I don't own a house if I'm not basing, and what if someone just joins and they get fined 20k for walking outside... I'm willing to bet all of my money they will quit! I mean I would too. We need many rules about what you can and cant make laws about for mayor, Its too relaxed. Also while I was typing this I got arrested several times for "You's a nigger faggot" and all that happened was a fire of the cp NOT EVEN A WARN. This really depended on the staff on not something you can change but still. So I reported him and this is what I FUCKING SEE IN CHAT; http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273570013  so if revolt lasts 10 minutes and then after revolt for 30 minutes, WE CANT DO SHIT FOR 40 MINUTES LIKE WHY IS THAT ALLOWED!  All in all i hope only want mayor's rules to be less relaxed. Like why is J-walking allowed to be a terroist offence with out any cars... Think about it.  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1273586084  This also happends. 

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In north korea practicing religion is the death sentence, if they were to revolt and overthrow the government they could remove that law. 

TitsRP is a similar case.


I agree tho the "curfew" thing is really bad. Maybe have a time limit on lockdowns?

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The MOTD lays out default laws and guidelines that should be followed without a mayor.

The mayor runs the city how he wants, with the exception of laws that break the rules (all citizens aos, breathing is kos, obvious corruption like printers are legal, etc). This is to give the sense that the mayor has real power in the city and you should be more careful with who you vote in.


If more people hate the mayor, more people will try to kill the mayor. That is the idea of balance between a shitty mayor and nice mayor.

  • Revolt
  • Raid PD/whatever base mayor is in
  • Get a hit on the mayor
  • Mayor's Assassin
  • Mug/kidnap/other RP
  • Asking nicely

If you have suggestions for more balance changes we would love to hear them, but we are trying to encourage a type of roleplay on this sever where we give people the freedom to do what they want and roleplay their issues out. In this case, roleplay with a bullet to the head.

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The MOTD lays out default laws and guidelines that should be followed without a mayor.

The mayor runs the city how he wants, with the exception of laws that break the rules (all citizens aos, breathing is kos, obvious corruption like printers are legal, etc). This is to give the sense that the mayor has real power in the city and you should be more careful with who you vote in.


If more people hate the mayor, more people will try to kill the mayor. That is the idea of balance between a shitty mayor and nice mayor.

  • Revolt
  • Raid PD/whatever base mayor is in
  • Get a hit on the mayor
  • Mayor's Assassin
  • Mug/kidnap/other RP
  • Asking nicely

If you have suggestions for more balance changes we would love to hear them, but we are trying to encourage a type of roleplay on this sever where we give people the freedom to do what they want and roleplay their issues out. In this case, roleplay with a bullet to the head.

 Well if we don't have restrictions on some things I could become mayor and put a cerfew on the whole time and AOS everyone by that logic

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The MOTD lays out default laws and guidelines that should be followed without a mayor.

The mayor runs the city how he wants, with the exception of laws that break the rules (all citizens aos, breathing is kos, obvious corruption like printers are legal, etc). This is to give the sense that the mayor has real power in the city and you should be more careful with who you vote in.


If more people hate the mayor, more people will try to kill the mayor. That is the idea of balance between a shitty mayor and nice mayor.

  • Revolt
  • Raid PD/whatever base mayor is in
  • Get a hit on the mayor
  • Mayor's Assassin
  • Mug/kidnap/other RP
  • Asking nicely

If you have suggestions for more balance changes we would love to hear them, but we are trying to encourage a type of roleplay on this sever where we give people the freedom to do what they want and roleplay their issues out. In this case, roleplay with a bullet to the head.

 Well if we don't have restrictions on some things I could become mayor and put a cerfew on the whole time and AOS everyone by that logic

DarkRP actually has a feature the mayor can use called "Lockdown." If you activate a lockdown and create a law stating that being outside during a lockdown is AOS, sure. Just be prepared for everybody on the server to revolt against you.

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Personally I find RPing as mayor more fun and as a cp more fun, because without these outragous laws being a cop can be dull and boring. Personally I support dumb and stupid laws because it makes RPing as mayor and cop more fun!

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