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I decided to re-organize my thoughts in this post and make it a new and better version of itself. Also, hopefully, this can become a place where we discuss issues about staff. Also hopefully people can vent their thoughts about staff and make any suggestions or talk about issues as they please. And maybe Trial Mods can ask some questions about stuff here as well, if they like. This thread isn't probably gonna last that long but hopefully it will last long enough to solve so major issues listed below.


Also this is NOT a place for reporting/yelling at staff members or anyone in general. I would like to hopefully keep this thread as professional as possible and keep the drama to a minimum. 


I also have nothing against the staff team or anyone in it. 


Issue one, Staff isn't accepting sits.

     Ok, so I when I first created this post I was on a rant and started going places I didn't belong and which could've possibly caused drama. I was just upset about people not accepting sits or not being perfect staff. Which me even commenting about staff not being perfect is completely out of line, especially the fact that I got demoted myself for being a bad staff member... So in concern of my reputation and reputation of others, as well not to cause a dramatic fuck fest, I decided to not comment about this issue(which isn't even that much of a issue in the first place) to hopefully keep drama to a minimum. 


Issue Two, Trial Mods not Trained

      So, personally, I think this is rather a large issue and is causing a lot of problems. The issue is that Trial Mods(Which I will be referring to TMs from no on because I'm lazy) is that they are not being trained and some(not all) are handling sits incorrectly or are causing major issues. So hopefully, you guys can shadow them like TheDavid commented about. This, is one solution, but it is somewhat tedious and will take up quite a bit of Mod's time that they could be using for more personal needs, as defending their base, or IRL issues. 


      Another way, is just by giving them tips every once in a while or spectating them a little bit. And I know that your not supposed to invade another staff's, if not another user's, privacy. But, I think watching them handle sits without them knowing you are watching them, can be beneficial for them and the server. Of course, if their not in a sit, and you have no reason to suspicious of abuse, the moment you realize they are not in a sit, you should stop spectating them and respect their privacy. The ways this could be beneficial is that if they act in a certain way when another staff member is around, and another way when they are the alone. They may be abusing so their friend won't get in trouble or something. That is a way it can be better for the server, but if you are spectating them and they are doing something incorrectly, you can intervene immediately. You may be wondering why not just be there helping them directly. Well, I have a pretty ok reason. If your helping TMs directly with a lot of sits, they will not learn the skills to handle sits on their own and this way you can still supervise them, but they can also learn skills to handle sits and situations on there own. Also I have NOTHING against TMs. Even if I did I have no room to talk since I was demoted myself within a year of being TM. 


_____The End_____


If you have any other issues please post them below and I'll add them to the list. Orange=unsolved, and Green=Solved/Removed.


Hopefully this post will be easier to read and much better in general. Hopefully I didn't make a giant embarrassing mistake(If I did let me know ASAP.) Also, if you could spread this around in hopes of other people getting their thoughts and issues they have out there to the staff. I'm hoping the community can use this place to communicate with the staff team and maybe fix any problems with the staff team or maybe even certain staff members(If it is abuse PLEASE put it in the report section, not in here. Like I stated previously, I don't want this to be a fuckfest of drama.)

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Staff are staff. They are not perfect. Maybe appointing trainers could help them out? Then again, some mods used to only teach the new tmods the ulx commands so that COULD be a reason behind it. Me and you both know that this more than likely will cause Drama, though, 404. I suggest putting more explanation and giving a little more reasoning. Ex) do any more examples of what the tmods did to be "shit staff"/"horrible"?


Edit: He gave more detail


Also, not saying the mods that did that are still here. Just saying SOME only did. The only tmod I met was Keith and that guy took a shit load of sits and did pretty well. Don't know about the other new people though so I'm not gonna get upset about it

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I know that MistahPanda is a long time player on the server(I think I may be thinking of someone else idk) but other tMods really need help. Especially if someone has no staff experience. But even if you just show a TMod how you would handle a sit and point out things your doing or even just giving a few tips in staff chat(which would be really good 'cause ALL tmods can see) would be really helpful and hopefully point the tmods in the right direction when handling sits. Also, when tMods are on, maybe help them with a few sits(I know I just pointed this out I'm just going into further detail) like watching them do the sits and shadow them like TheDavid pointed out. Also, please give them the link to the proper punishment and ban times(https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2055) which I know isn't that hard to find but some tmods don't go on the forums often or when they do they don't notice it. Also since they are litterally brand new staff, they could really improve a lot by referencing from it easily. Also, make sure to answer questions and make sure any questions they have, they ask it. I'm not saying you guys aren't answering or they're not asking, after all I can't see the staff chat or any PMs and stuff like that, but if they're not, please let them know they can. We don't want TMods going around and making too many mistakes before permanent damage is done.


Not sure if any of that is confusing or not I don't really organize my thoughts that well... but I guess this can be the forum for staff suggestions/improvements... I don't know, this thread probably won't last that long.


When I train fellow t-mods I show them all their commands and how they work. Then I tell them WHEN to use the commands and what commands can help is specific situations. They get a lot of knowledge and they know when to use commands and what logs to check in specific situations. For example Jackta: he didnt know how to use any commands besides basic ones. He had trouble getting use to specific sits. I also was there in sits with him to make sure he was doing fine. Jackta even got MOD before I did. I felt like a proud father when jackta got promoted.


Besides of those details on how I train lets get started to the point. Some mods aren't very patient and just want to get it over with which causes trouble for the t-mod and mod. Other mods just show them commands and suppose thats proper training. A lot mods just show them commands and thats it and that doesn't even help much. From what I see the t-mods that got promoted were fairly trained and their trainer was there to give out help. The other t-mods...that got trained poorly are no longer part of the staff team. 


Down to conclusion maybe there should be specific mods/tmods who can be called "Trainers". Why you ask? Because THOSE people are willing to train them and help them along the way.

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I know that MistahPanda is a long time player on the server(I think I may be thinking of someone else idk) but other tMods really need help. Especially if someone has no staff experience. But even if you just show a TMod how you would handle a sit and point out things your doing or even just giving a few tips in staff chat(which would be really good 'cause ALL tmods can see) would be really helpful and hopefully point the tmods in the right direction when handling sits. Also, when tMods are on, maybe help them with a few sits(I know I just pointed this out I'm just going into further detail) like watching them do the sits and shadow them like TheDavid pointed out. Also, please give them the link to the proper punishment and ban times(https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2055) which I know isn't that hard to find but some tmods don't go on the forums often or when they do they don't notice it. Also since they are litterally brand new staff, they could really improve a lot by referencing from it easily. Also, make sure to answer questions and make sure any questions they have, they ask it. I'm not saying you guys aren't answering or they're not asking, after all I can't see the staff chat or any PMs and stuff like that, but if they're not, please let them know they can. We don't want TMods going around and making too many mistakes before permanent damage is done.


Not sure if any of that is confusing or not I don't really organize my thoughts that well... but I guess this can be the forum for staff suggestions/improvements... I don't know, this thread probably won't last that long.


When I train fellow t-mods I show them all their commands and how they work. Then I tell them WHEN to use the commands and what commands can help is specific situations. They get a lot of knowledge and they know when to use commands and what logs to check in specific situations. For example Jackta: he didnt know how to use any commands besides basic ones. He had trouble getting use to specific sits. I also was there in sits with him to make sure he was doing fine. Jackta even got MOD before I did. I felt like a proud father when jackta got promoted.


Besides of those details on how I train lets get started to the point. Some mods aren't very patient and just want to get it over with which causes trouble for the t-mod and mod. Other mods just show them commands and suppose thats proper training. A lot mods just show them commands and thats it and that doesn't even help much. From what I see the t-mods that got promoted were fairly trained and their trainer was there to give out help. The other t-mods...that got trained poorly are no longer part of the staff team. 


Down to conclusion maybe there should be specific mods/tmods who can be called "Trainers". Why you ask? Because THOSE people are willing to train them and help them along the way.


I 100% agree with the trainers thing. Maybe they don't have to be staff. They can be just normal everyday players that have staff experience(like me : D) but of course they don't get any special permissions except having a little pop up thing when TMods need help. That'd be really, really awesome if sugar could put that in. That way, the staff team can focus on being staff. Also, it should be 100% voluntary and so you can quit anytime so that way people won't get annoyed. I mean, this may be really complicated or whatever and of course players can give wrong info or exploit it to tmods banning the wrong players. Maybe we can have people apply for trainers.


Also, another feature that would be pretty handy is sending recommendations to promote or saying their ready. Then the staff can do their own evaluation and say if their ready or if they need more training. This would also be something that would make the server original, and possibly attract more players with its fancy staff system.


I'll post the link to the thread on the official server suggestions page as well the Saturday meetings page. Hopefully this can be come an actual thing once this is more fleshed out.

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