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What the hell?

The Doctor

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I just got banned for reason "You said you would come back on your alt..." 4320 minutes, it was my first time on the server and I Was just sitting at spawn then got banned? What the heck is this crap so unprofessional you banned me because you assumed I was just some other kid? Really? My Steam ID is 0:1:86265458 Why dont you take a few seconds to look at my games DOES THIS LOOK LIKE SOMEONES ALT ACCCOUNT. 

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Listen here, kiddo. You thought it would be a god-damned good idea if you tried to make a fucking **SMURF** on MY server and trick my babies. You think I'm gonna let that shit fucking fly? You're fucking done, kid. I will ban your ass and any of your other shitty money wasting ALTS you could ever possibly make. It's over, kiddo. Don't try this shit again.

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, sheck utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

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Glad to hear that you were unbanned.


Do you know who banned you by any chance? If not, I'll just look into the logs whenever I can get a hold of Nazi.


Moderators shouldn't be banning players based on assumptions rather than concrete proof. Even if you had low hours on your profile, there is no proof.  Super/Head Admins can see IPs and see if you are a smurf or not, then that'd be proof.


Really disappointed that a moderator would do that. I can already guess who it is since moderators are not supposed to unban other people unless they banned them to begin with. I can smell a demotion incoming for someone getting trigger happy with ban powers and not actually checking or getting any proof.

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Am I really the only one who has noticed that his profile pic is a smurf, that might mean it really is a smurf...


That's speculation, not any meaningful concrete evidence to use against him. Innocent until proven guilty, you dumb bitch.



There is no evidence/proof against this player other than going through hoops to get whoever the other guy was banned's IP and this guy's IP. If they're different, they're different people.

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