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Pilkas is salty at me for some reason?


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This video doesn't prove anything other than that he opened fading doors, came out and shot you. Did you bother to check if there were buttons like he said inside the base before banning him?


FDA Definition from the rules: 

  • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.

He says here in his original post "Today I had a base with buttons inside of it and my companions opened 2 fading doors". He seems to claim that his party members pressed the buttons that opened the doors, which would not be FDA at all.


He also claims he attempted to tell you this but you didn't seem to care enough to check "They get killed and then Pilkas calls a sit, doesent even look inside my base, and just bans me for 6 hours and says I lied in a sit." 



This whole seems fishy af. If either Speedy or Piklas could post a longer recording of the whole thing that would easily clear it up.


There is strong bias towards me for some reason, I honestly dont know why hes been like this. He did not check my base and you can see after I killed him I didnt even use my buttons to get back inside the base, I hid behind the wall, also him not checking my base whatso ever puts him in the wrong completly. he said he was recording so ask him to send you his pov.



stop trying to start shit, no ones ever seen you before i highly doubt piklas has any sort of bias towards you.

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Okay so I was talking to silly and piklas about this because I wasn't understanding what you did wrong. I actually thought you were perfectly okay but after like 30 replays of the video I finally THINK I get it.(had like a 20 minute debate on this)


So in the rules it says  "Fading door minimum time limit is 5 seconds" doesn't say about keypads it just says "minimum" which includes buttons. You have to have the fading door open for 5 seconds even if using a button. Your friend may have used a button but he didn't hold the fading for 5 seconds. You can see the fading door fences through the wall at 27 seconds in the video. Also apparently you said you didn't know you were being raided and that's why he said it was lying in a sit. The grenade before the c4 happened should have 100% told you that you were being raided. Also you don't need to believe me but Piklas does not hate you or dislike you. He doesn't even remember banning you for NLR and going afk or fake afk(whatever it was).



Also if you REALLY want you don't need to do sits with him. If he claims your sit or someone has a sit with you just ask for a different staff(if there are others online)



Last Edit: I think there was more to the video before hand and maybe he didn't catch that part of the recording.

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