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Box of Goods bug

Booper Scooper

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Quick things to address:


Note: This has been happening for a day or two. 

I can't really remember. I am now just getting to reporting it.




Money isn't going anymore, but you still get your stuff back.



There isn't too much to do with it. As of right now, there are no extremely bad ways to

abuse something like this. But it IS pretty bad since, you, the kidnapper will not gain any money





Description: When you kidnap someone and you place down the "Box of Goods" while setting a price for them to pay to get their stuff back, your money will not go down. 

Me, Piklas, and RaceOpone all know of this. (I don't know if it has been fixed or not.)


How to reproduce: Kidnap someone or GET kidnapped (For ex) ask your friend to test this out. I have found out that this needs to be fixed since your money isn't going down when you pay, and your money isn't going up when they pay (after you've kidnapped them of course.)


Priority: Medium - Low High (Don't even ask what 'Low High' means.)

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This is fixed for the next reset, turns out I am removing money from the person who is kidnapped and then when they go to pay for it, they get their money back when its supposed to be the kidnapper who gets the hekin money

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