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The Film is Truth

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Titty Times:Were still a thing!

I want to Address something dear to me, as you may know hurricane Harvey has destroyed a lot of the area of Houston and places near, There maybe some players on Tits RP who maybe affected by this, and they are in my prayers. If you want to help anyway I highly urge checking out these links. Or just sharing it helps just as much. I felt like letting you guys aware that we should be thankful were not in that situation and do anything we can to help those people in need.


Thanks guys! Now lets get on with the paper shall we!



Over watch Update for season 6

By Lucio (edited by Films is Truth)

Tf3 AKA Overwatch has been going through some big changes as of late. Many heroes have been nerfed or buffed, depending on who you ask.



received many changes

Her defense matrix was cut in half

She can use all of her abilities at the same time

She received a new rocket barrage ability that does self damage



got fewer changes, but game changing nonetheless

The ability to hold 2 concussion mines at once also he gets a reduce cooldown

A gigantic speed boost for his Rip-Tire



received some updates which make her even more of a lone wolf

When her mine is triggered, the victim can be seen through walls by Widowmaker for a short duration

Her grappling hook’s cool down went from 12 seconds to 8



Will Receive a nerf on his punching ability

As players feel his hitbox when punching was way too big, and it caused issues

Where Doomfist could punch you with not actually punching you



Shield is now 20 percent bigger

and the shape has changed Bullet speed Increased by 20 percent



Can now rotate his camera when in shield mode



He can now self heal himself while moving around

and it gives you 50 percent damage reduction



Res-eruct is no longer her ult,

but she can bring one person back to life every 30 seconds

Her new ult allows her to fly up in the air for 20 seconds

and her cool down to revive is nowdown to 10 seconds,

she can do more dmg, and she can heal multiple people



Also, season 6 began on 8/31

Season 6 has some small changes as well This season will only be 60 days instead of 90 days

If you're ranked diamond and above decay is now 25SR/5 days

for those below you can lose your skill placement if you go below the ranking

During placements you should place around the same you did last season

King of the hill is now best of 3 instead of best of 5

Junkertown To be release soon


Good luck to all the hero's out there, for those who are curious my mains are Junkrat, Roadhog, Reaper, and Lucio. -Filmz Not sure who Lucio mains are, probably not Lucio that would be to easy!


Booper Interview

By Films is Truth

Note:in the future I will edit these actually, and put more effort into these. If Lucio gets to be lazy guess I will, also I told staff I could not take sits for like 15 mins so cool your horses.




Lucio’s Declassified School Survival Guide!

By Lucio

So you’re struggling in school, huh? Well lucky for you, all your problems will be solved with this guide!


      • Don’t study more than an hour before a test




      • Keep all your papers stuffed in your bag




      • Make jokes about bringing a gun to school




      • Make sure you wear white ankle socks. You will be the most popular kid in class.




      • If you’re backpack doesn't have wheels, you will sit alone at lunch.




      • Always bring  your Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Nobody expects a duel.




      • Tell everyone that you are a meme lord. They will both fear and respect you.




      • Start a my little pony fan club to let the women know of your study of cultures.




      • Finally, call everyone a normie cuck and tell them that they will never match your intellect.




Players suck at Reporting

By Films is Truth

I notice that Some players are complaining about staff, well I think it's time for the staff member to complain about the players, I think the one thing that bugs me the most, about most of the  players on here is the laziness in reports. Like I'm taking my time to answer your reports, Seeing something like this.

Like come on! You expect me to take the time to help you, what this says to me is "I really don't care that much, I just want him to get in trouble and chances are you will probably warn him or verbal warn him." If you do this STOP! Then again there are some staff members won't name any names, but will instantly just accept the case without reading it. Like all you're doing is encouraging that player to continue to make reports like that.

You see what he did? He gave no info at all! and he just spammed the space button just so it can trick the system that he wrote 50 Characters, and so I denied it and said be more specific, mainly because it goes against report guidelines. We are not supposed to be accepting these, but I had some argue with me about that. Haha

There is a reason why higher ups changed the rule on becoming mod. Back then you needed 150 sits just to become mod. Well It's not like that anymore because staff would  just claim a case and never even read it in the first place. As staff you're supposed to read it first before you claim it. Not trying to throw CeeJay under the bus but I am just addressing an issue, If you are a staff member who accept these type of sits, and for the players who make these type of reports. All I can say is

Below is what a report should look like generally, It tells me the situation, and who killed him. That's it! Not much to it.


2 memes cause I'm lazy

By Lucio (title by Films is truth)



Song of the Week



Drama Alert:The Best Drama on Tits RP

By: Films Is truth


Hey what up guys it Films here back at again with another shitty Newspaper, and let's just get into it. Films is Truth Started a gang recently and It's been gaining some members but it's been getting some massive hate. Films did the worst crime you could commit on this server and that is posting SHIT MEMES. He later deleted and made an apology on twitter for the shit memes. Like come on Films it's not hard to make memes man, "I just say hey guys its Films here, back at it again with another double upload." Boom now I am a meme! Films will most likely have Lucio make the memes since he is king Memester!


It looks like there is some beef between some Tunnel Snake members, and It seems like Skillpoint Is the worst person in the world cause he doesn't know anything about Rick and Morty, which is the best show of all time! and I tell my girl, "you make my day 6 day a week but for one day Rick and Morty is way more important than you." Anyways we have actual pictures of the confrontation.

Hot damn is that some juicy drama, It makes my nipples so hard I can stab people with it. Will update you guys if shit changes.

Tits Rp Staff are vanishing and we know why. Let's see Presidente is taking a "break," Not Steve Harvey is taking a "break" and Booper is no longer staff because he needed a "break" I feel sugar summon Cthulhu to send in parasites in their brains to make them abandon Tits rp and I don't have a proof, but what I do have is a picture of this terrifying creature and Sugar together.

For our last story of the day, blah blah blah blah JAKE PAULLLLLLLL JAKE PAUL JAKE PAUL AND JAKE PAUL........ JAKE PAUL.


Sorry if the paper came out late, but hey it's out and if you are curious in joining. Just pm me! also if you're good at drawing plz join. We would love a comic section! See you next Friday! Also please vote! This helps us so much and don't forget to comment!

My pain i had to fix a lot of shit and then fix even more when posting it the first time, it fucked up badly so 2 hours with this baby so really hope you like it, I think it's are best one yet lol




goto 1:34 in the video this is how i feel when the forums screwed  up and made me take 2 hours to fix everything


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That part about sits and reports really is a problem in the staff. Legit certain people who’s name rhymes with shmeric shprince takes every sit in like 3 seconds.

 (I’m not beefing it’s a joke ily eric)


Also People claiming sits that don’t require a sit is annoying

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Next time you want to use screenshots of people try not using people names you blur them out cause thats petty asf and what if ceejay see this and it will be a shit storm on this post just because u used hes name and booper is doing big things the paper sucks my dude still love u tho

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Next time you want to use screenshots of people try not using people names you blur them out cause thats petty asf and what if ceejay see this and it will be a shit storm on this post just because u used hes name and booper is doing big things the paper sucks my dude still love u tho

Fuck u wavy you know how much time it took to work on everything and the reason why I didn't blur shit is cause its journalism baby I'm not going to censor shit, and plus says the one who kept begging me to interview u over booper;)

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Well the interview made me cringe a little. 

The paper is okay but I feel like it's missing something, this is a newspaper about the server, but there is very little content that actually pertains to titsrp. God knows there's enough to cover on the server with the corrupt cops, minges, shitty mayors, etc.

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Well the interview made me cringe a little. 

The paper is okay but I feel like it's missing something, this is a newspaper about the server, but there is very little content that actually pertains to titsrp. God knows there's enough to cover on the server with the corrupt cops, minges, shitty mayors, etc.


Yeah you are right about that.


And yes, that interview was very cringy..But I agreed to do it so I mean.


But I do like how he made a paper for the server. If he wants to do another interview, I'm fine with that but hopefully it doesn't contain a lot of cringe..

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