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Punching in spawn lowers armor


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Description: If you have armor in spawn, and someone punches you then you lose your armor. 


How to reproduce: Have armor equipped, and have someone punch you. 


Priority: (High, Medium, Low)


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That's been here for a long time. It's not a bug, but it can be annoying going through spawn and you get shot by a guy that thinks you can RDM in spawn.


That's how most RDA's happen because if you shoot a cop in spawn, they'll go straight for the non-lethal abuse and RDA you. That's the only problem that I have with it, haha. But yeah, I know it can be annoying at times, but I guess Sugar will leave it in.

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If someone's damaging your armor, inform them (preferably through text chat so we have proof) that what they are doing is resulting in damaging your armor and that you request they stop. If they don't stop, you are more than free to call for staff for someone being a minge.


Ah ok, thanks!

That's been here for a long time. It's not a bug, but it can be annoying going through spawn and you get shot by a guy that thinks you can RDM in spawn.


That's how most RDA's happen because if you shoot a cop in spawn, they'll go straight for the non-lethal abuse and RDA you. That's the only problem that I have with it, haha. But yeah, I know it can be annoying at times, but I guess Sugar will leave it in.


Oh well, thanks!

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