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The Current Status of The Staff Team


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I know that my opinion overall probably means nothing to a lot of you or if not the majority of you but I figured why not make some what of a suggestion or in general thread that addresses some issues on the server. This mainly revolves around the current staff team and the issues or "beef" within it. Now I have not personally joined the server as of recently. But after my resignation post and my official good bye I did hop on here and there to see whats up. The staff team is in ruins. Constant fighting and arguing is an apparent issue. I am not the only one that thinks this there are others who may or may not be staff on the server as well that can also agree with my statements. Personally when I was around back in the prime of TitsRP the staff were older and mature less capable and likely of arguing and starting shit between each other matter of fact we acted like one family. Again it is apparent that this is not the case currently on TitsRP. Obviously I am not saying that ALL staff are involved in these issues but its noticeable that a majority are. Now there are a lot of things that can solve this issue. Such as a complete wipe or run through of the current staff members on the server wiping/removing those that are inactive,immature,irresponsible, etc. But to cut off the toxicity that is always present in a Gmod community we can start by placing an age requirement on the staff apps. Personally I think it would be wise that way we are ONLY getting mature and responsible staff members in our staff team. Now some may disagree saying that there are mature players below whatever the age requirement may become but understand if that is the case they can more than likely work something out with a higher up such as some of the admins+ on the server. Again I dont think that what I say is going to be taken seriously but I think overall if this were to be put into affect on this server we would have a more productive staff team on our server. I remember in the old days where even a slight bit of drama or toxicity resulted in demotions or some type of punishment. But regardless of the old days that time has passed we need to focus on now and whether or not we will have a stable staff team because tbh that is what keeps order on the server 24/7. I hope some people understand where I am coming from and understand the situation that is currently going on right now. If Sugar somehow sees this and doesn't think I am an idiot. Well shit might as well unban me from discord am I right?


Feel free to comment on this thread if you feel that you have something beneficial to say. Keep the shitpost off of this thread and please no drama or any type of arguments I personally just want this to be a civil discussion/suggestion that people will actually take into account for.

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I know that my opinion overall probably means nothing to a lot of you or if not the majority of you but I figured why not make some what of a suggestion or in general thread that addresses some issues on the server. This mainly revolves around the current staff team and the issues or "beef" within it. Now I have not personally joined the server as of recently. But after my resignation post and my official good bye I did hop on here and there to see whats up. The staff team is in ruins. Constant fighting and arguing is an apparent issue. I am not the only one that thinks this there are others who may or may not be staff on the server as well that can also agree with my statements. Personally when I was around back in the prime of TitsRP the staff were older and mature less capable and likely of arguing and starting shit between each other matter of fact we acted like one family. Again it is apparent that this is not the case currently on TitsRP. Obviously I am not saying that ALL staff are involved in these issues but its noticeable that a majority are. Now there are a lot of things that can solve this issue. Such as a complete wipe or run through of the current staff members on the server wiping/removing those that are inactive,immature,irresponsible, etc. But to cut off the toxicity that is always present in a Gmod community we can start by placing an age requirement on the staff apps. Personally I think it would be wise that way we are ONLY getting mature and responsible staff members in our staff team. Now some may disagree saying that there are mature players below whatever the age requirement may become but understand if that is the case they can more than likely work something out with a higher up such as some of the admins+ on the server. Again I dont think that what I say is going to be taken seriously but I think overall if this were to be put into affect on this server we would have a more productive staff team on our server. I remember in the old days where even a slight bit of drama or toxicity resulted in demotions or some type of punishment. But regardless of the old days that time has passed we need to focus on now and whether or not we will have a stable staff team because tbh that is what keeps order on the server 24/7. I hope some people understand where I am coming from and understand the situation that is currently going on right now. If Sugar somehow sees this and doesn't think I am an idiot. Well shit might as well unban me from discord am I right?


Feel free to comment on this thread if you feel that you have something beneficial to say. Keep the shitpost off of this thread and please no drama or any type of arguments I personally just want this to be a civil discussion/suggestion that people will actually take into account for.


Highly disagree. Many staff members, Dindu for example, are very professional and squash any sort of drama. No questions asked

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I mean, as a staff member I do what I can to help the community. It would be training mods, taking sits, helping out with people understanding rules, etc. I am taking a break from TitsRP though because of all of the drama and just complete minges. So, once I feel like it's time for me to come back, I'll keep helping out with the community when I can.

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I know that my opinion overall probably means nothing to a lot of you or if not the majority of you but I figured why not make some what of a suggestion or in general thread that addresses some issues on the server. This mainly revolves around the current staff team and the issues or "beef" within it. Now I have not personally joined the server as of recently. But after my resignation post and my official good bye I did hop on here and there to see whats up. The staff team is in ruins. Constant fighting and arguing is an apparent issue. I am not the only one that thinks this there are others who may or may not be staff on the server as well that can also agree with my statements. Personally when I was around back in the prime of TitsRP the staff were older and mature less capable and likely of arguing and starting shit between each other matter of fact we acted like one family. Again it is apparent that this is not the case currently on TitsRP. Obviously I am not saying that ALL staff are involved in these issues but its noticeable that a majority are. Now there are a lot of things that can solve this issue. Such as a complete wipe or run through of the current staff members on the server wiping/removing those that are inactive,immature,irresponsible, etc. But to cut off the toxicity that is always present in a Gmod community we can start by placing an age requirement on the staff apps. Personally I think it would be wise that way we are ONLY getting mature and responsible staff members in our staff team. Now some may disagree saying that there are mature players below whatever the age requirement may become but understand if that is the case they can more than likely work something out with a higher up such as some of the admins+ on the server. Again I dont think that what I say is going to be taken seriously but I think overall if this were to be put into affect on this server we would have a more productive staff team on our server. I remember in the old days where even a slight bit of drama or toxicity resulted in demotions or some type of punishment. But regardless of the old days that time has passed we need to focus on now and whether or not we will have a stable staff team because tbh that is what keeps order on the server 24/7. I hope some people understand where I am coming from and understand the situation that is currently going on right now. If Sugar somehow sees this and doesn't think I am an idiot. Well shit might as well unban me from discord am I right?


Feel free to comment on this thread if you feel that you have something beneficial to say. Keep the shitpost off of this thread and please no drama or any type of arguments I personally just want this to be a civil discussion/suggestion that people will actually take into account for.


Highly disagree. Many staff members, Dindu for example, are very professional and squash any sort of drama. No questions asked



I am not saying every staff is just starting shit but I am saying at least from my perspective and a few others that some staff members aren't fit for that role. Whoever Dindu may or may not be I dont care but what I do care about is whether or not they are performing correctly at least as a staff member. Obviously you guys have your opinions about the staff team and so do I.

You made this post cause you didn't get yo way *sigh* kids



I dont know what you mean by "my way" care to explain? If you are regarding the sit I was in with you I dont know how it could have gone my way in any circumstance. It could have been handled better but legit I have been contemplating making a similar thread for a while dont feel special.

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I know that my opinion overall probably means nothing to a lot of you or if not the majority of you but I figured why not make some what of a suggestion or in general thread that addresses some issues on the server. This mainly revolves around the current staff team and the issues or "beef" within it. Now I have not personally joined the server as of recently. But after my resignation post and my official good bye I did hop on here and there to see whats up. The staff team is in ruins. Constant fighting and arguing is an apparent issue. I am not the only one that thinks this there are others who may or may not be staff on the server as well that can also agree with my statements. Personally when I was around back in the prime of TitsRP the staff were older and mature less capable and likely of arguing and starting shit between each other matter of fact we acted like one family. Again it is apparent that this is not the case currently on TitsRP. Obviously I am not saying that ALL staff are involved in these issues but its noticeable that a majority are. Now there are a lot of things that can solve this issue. Such as a complete wipe or run through of the current staff members on the server wiping/removing those that are inactive,immature,irresponsible, etc. But to cut off the toxicity that is always present in a Gmod community we can start by placing an age requirement on the staff apps. Personally I think it would be wise that way we are ONLY getting mature and responsible staff members in our staff team. Now some may disagree saying that there are mature players below whatever the age requirement may become but understand if that is the case they can more than likely work something out with a higher up such as some of the admins+ on the server. Again I dont think that what I say is going to be taken seriously but I think overall if this were to be put into affect on this server we would have a more productive staff team on our server. I remember in the old days where even a slight bit of drama or toxicity resulted in demotions or some type of punishment. But regardless of the old days that time has passed we need to focus on now and whether or not we will have a stable staff team because tbh that is what keeps order on the server 24/7. I hope some people understand where I am coming from and understand the situation that is currently going on right now. If Sugar somehow sees this and doesn't think I am an idiot. Well shit might as well unban me from discord am I right?


Feel free to comment on this thread if you feel that you have something beneficial to say. Keep the shitpost off of this thread and please no drama or any type of arguments I personally just want this to be a civil discussion/suggestion that people will actually take into account for.

Yeah, it used to be a lot more strict. Regardless i do think the drama/whatever is pretty dumb. I've only been confronted with it once and it was squashed, as its usually always something petty. I disagree with the age requirement but i do acknowledge the fact the staff team as a whole is actually a big mess 

There's staff who do nothing and farm all day

There's staff who do nothing but argue all day

There's staff who are afraid to do sits

There's staff who are minges themselves

I could go on but the fact of the matter is the team is good enough, their sole purpose is to keep the server playable. At any point on a regular day there's at least 70 people on, so they do their job well enough in my eyes, although i do like to push potential and usher them to do MORE if possible. AKA me telling them to take specific sits, me telling them if they have absolutely any questions/concerns at all to bring it up with me. They are a bunch of volunteers who are not perfect because they simply do not have to be.(if they are, they are acknowledged.) Any of these points that matter could be fixed very easily though, such as but is not restricted to, more defined or stricter Guidelines.

I guess what I'm saying is the issue is there, it is apparent, but it is not urgent.

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