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Money Reset GLITCH


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Bug Exploit / Quality of Life


Description: I joined the server when it was hacked and I couldn't see my money because the hud was glitched , so when the server rested my money came back to 30k (The original amount of money you get for joining the server) My stocks are fine but I lost 22mil that I had on me and I asked a lot of people and some got their money rested and some not I was trying to figure out why some people had their money but they actually joined when it glitched out . The only thing I did and maybe caused it is that I dropped money and picked it up. 


How to reproduce: Join the server when it was hacked 


Priority: HIGH

EVIDENCE :  This is when I had 22mil : https://ibb.co/h54CSF

                   This is my lost and my stocks : https://ibb.co/bEzOZv

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Sugar will probably have to restore the database when he gets back, so it should be restored by the 12th. Unfortunately we don't have the ability to give money back, and I don't know if head admins can or not.

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Sugar will probably have to restore the database when he gets back, so it should be restored by the 12th. Unfortunately we don't have the ability to give money back, and I don't know if head admins can or not.


Yeah I figured that out , I just don't want this bug to be ignored and a small portion of the server lost their money .

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My money reset back to 30K last night, but this morning it was back to normal has that happened to anyone else?


You're lucky , because I never left I just kept joining when the server was glitched maybe you left after the first wave .

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Sugar will probably have to restore the database when he gets back, so it should be restored by the 12th. Unfortunately we don't have the ability to give money back, and I don't know if head admins can or not.


uhhhh does that mean that everything we farm till then will be restored up tp the 12th?


No guarantees. With the server issues we've had the last two days it may continue to reset or it may stay stable from this point on. We have no way to tell for sure. Your best bet is to screenshot your money every time you get ready to log off, so if it keeps resetting you have a running total of the money lost for if sugar reimburses for losses.

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This has supposedly been happening to a lot of people. I think it's fine now, though. I think what's been happening is during all of the crashes/errors it caused that bug where players would not initialize and lose their money. It basically just wrote you off as someone random and gave you the 30k you get for joining because to it you're new.

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