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Rias The Hot/Drunk Devil



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  1. Bank manager job been disabled for a while wondering if glitch or on purpuse removal?
  2. i know all signs are gone+the unown option those 2 needs to be back
  3. This building should be unownable its been 2-3 that ive seen base in that spot which is in spawn and argue that it isnt in the MOTD house in question http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255505359 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255505359
  4. saw that s well almost warned a guy because i tought his base was prop blocked till he showed me the code ws working!
  5. Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life Description:The hacker class has long distance keypad cracker it wont open working fading doors anymore! How to reproduce: try plcing keypaded door nd open it with both norml nd longdistance keypd cracker Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Medium lot's of people uses that class has a raiding class
  6. TBH tjats usually a low ammont that we hve in the cinema! sorry i am a party pooper.
  7. leaked noods incoming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (insert kappa face here)
  8. i dont mind a virus but mah 40 mill cuuh still not gone hope it stays
  9. uhhhh does that mean that everything we farm till then will be restored up tp the 12th?
  10. PD shouldnt be allowed to raid based on sound 3/4 of the time all pd's are mingy little kids who dont even raid the right base cuz ''they heard printers'' when its in the base below!
  11. Even if you leave it wont fix the memory that your doors are still their!
  12. sugar have someone else help with with cc's playermodel i see alot of people trying to get PM for their cc ready to pay both in game or irl money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I checked to make sur all of the props are on the servertoo. Thats why wondering if their is a way to fix it
  14. Bug: so im pretty sure im not alone with this issue in the vip's their is around 10-15 of my dupes that wont properlly load in when im on the server (they al work fine in a single player lobby with same prop limit then the server) Ill try too show has best has i an in 2 creenshots you will see one of the base ready to be loaded the other is when loaded ! How to reproduce: try downloading a dupe of youtube or to use a old one from the old server ! Priority:Low thats the screenshot of the base ready the be loaded in http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198248360504/screenshots/ and this is the sad results it gives me on the server http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198248360504/screenshots/
  15. Add more models to.the cc editors all of them are becoming generic since their all the same then normal jobs its also hard to get a player model added too the server for a CC so it could help diverse the cc's models instead of having 8 bears 5 snoop dogs etc..
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