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CP Hours Issue


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Description: Sometimes when I try to become some police officer jobs (in this case I tried to become a SWAT Commando) it doesn't allow me because I do not have enough hours; however, obviously that is incorrect.


How to reproduce: Try to become a cop when you have 3+ hours and it tells you this: http://prntscr.com/g3mi58


Priority: low

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I don't think the CP hours is even needed.Trolls can switch to a dealer and self supply.


they can also go to hitman or bounty hunter but none of those have stunguns or batter rams to be idiotic with plus having the responsibility of enforcing laws requires knowing the laws, if not by reading them then with some experience

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I don't think the CP hours is even needed.Trolls can switch to a dealer and self supply.


they can also go to hitman or bounty hunter but none of those have stunguns or batter rams to be idiotic with plus having the responsibility of enforcing laws requires knowing the laws, if not by reading them then with some experience


Even with the 3 hour thing cp false raid my bases all the time so if there were no restriction the server would be chaos

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