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The Removal of CC Due to the Exploited Money

Golden Pup

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I'm sure there are a ton of people who had nothing to do with the exploited money that lost their CC stuff. There is stuff that got removed that was donated with real money for. I'd just like to see the total amount of people that actually had stuff false removed from their CCs.

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There was no error on removal items from cc or as a whole. 


Anybody who received the exploit money and was used for the cc got punished. 


Shopping for something you don't have is a no.

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There was no error on removal items from cc or as a whole. 


Anybody who received the exploit money and was used for the cc got punished. 


Shopping for something you don't have is a no.


My stuff was removed for Meemstar giving me 40 mil for a perm slot over 2 weeks ago. He also removed stuff i donated real money to get.

The only money I got from the exploit was 20 mil from them buying my perms, which I told sugar about.

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I gave him 40m what had to have been at least 2 weeks ago when I was last on the server to buy a perm slot on his cc and so that someone would be able to use my money seeing as I was unlikely to, that being said I still have a fair amount of money even though I still got ripped off 10m from when the cc editor custom perms purchasing was broken and I never got the item nor compensation, so if I get 50m shekeled away from me that would be rather sad. Fairly certain I have screenshots uploaded on steam long before this exploit happened that can back up my claim of vast piles of shekels

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