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Adv Dupe Broken


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When you try to place your dupe, it will not let you place it at all. Instead it will say "Could not open addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/sh_codec.lua:238: expected value, got EOF". If you try to save a dupe as well, it would say "Advance Duplicator is busy!"


How to reproduce: Make a base and try to save or try to place your dupe.


Priority: High (In my opinion).

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When you try to place your dupe, it will not let you place it at all. Instead it will say "Could not open addons/advdupe2-master/lua/advdupe2/sh_codec.lua:238: expected value, got EOF". If you try to save a dupe as well, it would say "Advance Duplicator is busy!"


How to reproduce: Make a base and try to save or try to place your dupe.


Priority: High (In my opinion).



I'd like to make this point. Its only high cuz Yall dont wanna make your own bases and just wanna use a dupe everytime(This only slightly includes you, but only because i know that you recently payed for a dupe and you couldn't get it to work. Still kinda dumb you didn't just make one yourself but thats just kind of my state of mind  :FrankerZ: )



It is broke though. I couldn't spawn my dupes either(i have basic fun dupes to use just cuz, such as blast doors or the Krusty Krab)

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