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Scam list update


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So i got warning level 40% for posting on the old thread so i will make a new thread for this week's updates on the scam list


Scam list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bgJd8FkIiQOegY6cDkQAeuciswpfikBYmNLNHyhHMCM/edit?usp=sharing

2nd of july 2017

http://prntscr.com/fqr69o Scams through saying he will sell things and blowing things up


http://prntscr.com/fqslgj “nice” scammer sold processor then kills you and steals 1 round of stuff


Note: he did say that he was sorry and frustrated about being fucked over by someone

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Wait whoa whoa whoa. You got warned for bumping a week old post that is meant to be updated weekly? I see nothing wrong with you updating your scam list considering it is meant to be updated when you find scammers, which may take days or weeks. You shouldn't have really been warned for that.

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