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Lack of staff or staff who do their jobs

Potato P.

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I feel as though I dont see many staff doing their jobs and mostly rping. I understand they want to play the game but there were 5 staff members basing together and only one taking sits other than dima and dindu with a 90 player server. I dont want staff commenting "WERE TRYING HOW DARE YOU NUB YOU TRY DOING THESE SITS XDXDXD" But before you come at me, I have staffed and owned many other servers. And if you are making in fame money for doing a sit do the sit god damnit. I never really wanted to apply for staff, but at the rate this is going I may have tp amd I encourage others to apply as well.

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I ony ignore sits for a single RDM or for stupid reasons.

We need to start enforcing the rule stating and I quote: "do not call staff for a single RDM.

You have to understand that when four or more sits come in at the same time we have to read them all to see which takes priority. These sits however disappear very quickly so you can imagine with four lengthy sit reports on  the screen a couple sits may vanish in the time it takes to read them all.


We do the best we can, we volunteer our time and test our patience every day in an attempt to appease the masses. If you truly have staffed many servers they must've not been very populated, because this is a daily struggle on titsRP


also i acknowledge that some staff need to better balance rp and staffing BUT there isn't a single staff that lives just to staff. We want to have fun too. Staffing is in no way a burden it can be lots of fun, at times it  also becomes very stressful especially on a capacity server.

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If there are a lot of staffs, server chaos, and no one is taking sits beside one or two people then report it on the forums. 


I'm usually on at during noon to check in but majority of the time it's during night time RP/Staffing. 


Let me know who is just RPing and not taking sits or you can tell an admin (Blacnova - Sugar Tits).

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That face when you took a small break and didn't take as many sits as usual and decide to RP since you usually just do sits and people lose their shit





There were other staff on. If they just Rped, then i don't know what to tell you. Sorry?



i have over 2000 sits one cool down day before exams won't hurt. Besides, i still accepted quite a bit, i just didn't do a whole lot like normal




So rip



i did take sits though, and other staff were as well from what i saw. It was just Chaos

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Yeah same for me dindu I took less than normal too the last couple days, but I guess it was still enough to show that I'm helping people. Yesterday was crazy. Apparently LostInPlace hit the server like right after I logged off for dinner. I can't believe I missed that! Maybe I could have even helped stop the Crash if it was an in-game event. I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

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Yeah same for me dindu I took less than normal too the last couple days, but I guess it was still enough to show that I'm helping people. Yesterday was crazy. Apparently LostInPlace hit the server like right after I logged off for dinner. I can't believe I missed that! Maybe I could have even helped stop the Crash if it was an in-game event. I'm sorry I couldn't be there.


I was streaming yesterday and did sits before the stream so I could rp with the community a bit while I was streaming.  Sorry that I wasn't taking too many sits.


anyone remember how tingle let lost in place mass rdm?

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Tingle! Thats a name I haven'y heard in a while. But yes the problem of staff not taking sits is kind of rising. I was ex-tmod before resigning due to life changes and do notice that some staff(not saying any names) RP more than staff. Most of the time the problem aren't that noticeable due to there being good staff in the mix. However, once chaos starts and sits starts piling up staff usually show their true faces. The new influx of tmod(generalizing here, there are some actual good ones but in very little amount) do help a bit but not a lot due to the tendency of tmods to have the rank for the fame(again, not naming any names). So when the server is chaotic and there's only tmods, 99% of the time they're either gonna get overwhelmed or even not taking sits at all. So when the server's like that, if I were you I would just make it easier both on yourself and the tmods by just playing another game.


This is just my opinion on this matter.

who tf is tingle?


Tingle was a tmod that was quite promising. However he got demoted due to fanboyism with lostinplace. A shame really

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Zek! Thats a name I haven'y heard in a while. But yes the problem of staff not taking sits is kind of rising. I was ex-master baitor before resigning due to life changes and do notice that some staff(not saying any names) RP more than staff. Most of the time the problem aren't that noticeable due to there being good staff in the mix. However, once chaos starts and sits starts piling up staff usually show their true faces. The new influx of Male porn stars(generalizing here, there are some are like 14 inches long but in very little amount) do help a bit but not a lot due to the tendency of master baitors to have the stank for the dick(again, not naming any names, but zek(sugar Tits), zeshthedoge, and billcate). So when the server is horny and there's onlymaster baitors, 99.923143526969BFIG842% of the time they're either gonna get overwhelmed or even not taking sits at all. So when  my mom's like that, if I were you I would just make it easier both on yourself and the my mon by just fore playing.


This is the truth on this matter.

who tf is Zek?


Zek was a tmod that was quite promising. However he got demoted due to gay sex with pewdiepie without using a rubber. A shame really

Yea it was real shame, he was pretty good as a tmod other than that instance.


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