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Unofficial Official LeBlanc Family Thread


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Since everyone seems to be intent on joining the Family, I will make this Unofficial Official Gang Thread for The LeBlanc Family.



Heads of the Family: [/align]





Shadow LeBlanc



Vorducas LeBlanc

Gadreel LeBlanc


Family Members:

Wavy LeBlanc

[align=center]Xander LeBlanc

Carbon LeBlanc[/align]

Homer LeBlanc

Sean LeBlanc

Soma LeBlanc

[align=center]Andrew LeBlanc

Jukes LeBlanc[/align]

Samo LeBlanc

Kalysta LeBlanc


[align=center]Honorary Members:

Base Builder NPC[/align]



 1. Don't be a bloody minge, otherwise we will have a talk.

2. If you raid someone, unless they have done wrong against you, DO NOT blow up their stuff.

3. Do not give out dupes without explicit permission from Valentine or Pharyan.

4. You never betray the family.

5. Follow the COC or get booted.


[align=center]If you want to join, you must build up a reputation and/or impress a high ranking member.


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Hi, could i join the LeBlanc's, its been a long time dream of mine to join such a powerful family. i was abandoned as a child and grew up trying to take care of myself it would mean alot if i was able to join.

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Since everyone seems to be intent on joining the Family, I will make this unofficial official gang thread for the LeBlanc family.



God Father/Head of the Family: Valentine LeBlanc[/align]


Family Members:

Vorducas LeBlanc

[align=center]Potato LeBlanc

Wavy LeBlanc[/align]

[align=center]Xander LeBlanc

Carbon LeBlanc

Piggy LeBlanc

Pippy LeBlanc

Gnome LeBlanc[/align]

Homer LeBlanc


Rules: 1. Don't be a bloody minge, otherwise we will have a talk

2. If you raid someone, unless they have done wrong against you, DO NOT, blow up their stuff.



[align=left]If you want to Join reply to this with an Application, keep it open ended I won't give a format as I want to see how much you actually give a damn about joining. (Until the gang update this will be permanent)






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Ingame Name : 

  >gnome  child (2 spaces)

How did you first find LeBlanc?

  >From the point I was on this server they have been a pretty big presence, and they seem like they've been here for quite a while

Who and why do any LeBlanc members trust you?

  >Wavy LeBlanc out of any LeBlanc has the highest chance of trusting me, I based with him quite a bit before we in a way broke apart (he just based with someone else so I let him, I'm not gonna badger him)

Why are you a good fit for LeBlanc?

  >Well, the essence of LeBlanc is trust, having said that, I think having people I can rely on when I join the server, and having people that I can openly talk to and laugh with is desirable, the only thing similar to that I have on this server is my IRL friend who plays with me every once in a while, and a new friend who bases with me

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