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Revolting and NLR

Golden Pup

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In the MOTD the topic of NLR during revolting is vague, I've always thought that a revolt would have NLR because of this line, "What does exist is defeat. If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on."  But I've also noticed that most staff will say that there is no NLR for raids, which is especially annoying when that means a cop can immediately come back and kill you knowing where you are since the camera pans to your location when they die. Can we get a change to the rule that specifically says yes or no so staff and players don't have different opinions on this rule?

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The screenshot looks likes he's confused about what you're talking about, besides I didn't make the discussion post to see the screenshot again, I made it for people to post their opinions on the topic and hopefully get a MOTD change on it so it definite for everyone

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I think the motd should have how nlr works in a big red text and that typing "nlr only applies in raids" should automatically kick you from the server. I can understand what pup is saying because I've had it occur to me, if you revolt and kill a cop, more often than not they come back to shoot you again almost immediately, so the whole "What does exist is defeat. If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on." should be factored into that somehow, no? It's the same way you can't come back to kill a hitman for killing you..

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The screenshot looks likes he's confused about what you're talking about, besides I didn't make the discussion post to see the screenshot again, I made it for people to post their opinions on the topic and hopefully get a MOTD change on it so it definite for everyone


NLR means "New Life Remembering". Basically what he is saying here is that, if in your NEW life, you encounter revolters AGAIN they are still KOS and you can still kill them. But don't just rush back to the RP you already died in, it has to restart or be a new one. You can't exactly make the whole map an NLR zone, so enforcing NLR during revolts would be impossible aside from any revolters PD raiding because I'm sure you know you can't go back to that. If you don't want someone to remember where you were, don't stay there. Anyone with any decent tactical experience can tell you that you need to move around, don't make yourself an easy target by camping. even snipers move around between shots sometimes.

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1) NLR is "New Life Rule", 2) The complaint is specifically about cops rushing back to their location of death to re-engage, the rest of what you said is common sense except for the whole "if you don't want someone to remember where you were, don't stay there" because that should entirely encompass nlr on their part.

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I think the motd should have how nlr works in a big red text and that typing "nlr only applies in raids" should automatically kick you from the server. I can understand what pup is saying because I've had it occur to me, if you revolt and kill a cop, more often than not they come back to shoot you again almost immediately, so the whole "What does exist is defeat. If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on." should be factored into that somehow, no? It's the same way you can't come back to kill a hitman for killing you..


no, it shouldn't. the revolters only purpose is to KOS CP so it would be near impossible for a CP to leave spawn after dying in a revolt until it's over. what if the all the CPs were to die and no one can find where the mayor is hiding? Indefinite NLR on the whole city? no thanks.

1) NLR is "New Life Rule", 2) The complaint is specifically about cops rushing back to their location of death to re-engage, the rest of what you said is common sense except for the whole "if you don't want someone to remember where you were, don't stay there" because that should entirely encompass nlr on their part.


no it's not and that's really not the point. and I understand what the complaint is I'm telling you that it's not a valid complaint. If someone is willing to NLR they're gonna do it regardless.


edit: as for the tactic, take the advice or don't. just don't cry when relying on other people not breaking rules to RP gets you killed.

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You are naming off one possible situation vs a widely encompassing issue, I'm not even saying that the cops shouldn't kill the revolters when they see them if they've previously died, I'm saying that something needs to be done about police running back to literally the area they died to resume fighting, if someone is revolting its pretty safe to say that it will generally be taking place in one area of the map which will almost always be centered at or nearby the PD anyway..

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You are naming off one possible situation vs a widely encompassing issue, I'm not even saying that the cops shouldn't kill the revolters when they see them if they've previously died, I'm saying that something needs to be done about police running back to literally the area they died to resume fighting, if someone is revolting its pretty safe to say that it will generally be taking place in one area of the map which will almost always be centered at or nearby the PD anyway..


the problem with what you guys are requesting is that revolters KOS cops and they aren't gonna be paying attention to who has already died. so You're asking for an advantage over CP. you want to be able to do ! revolt, camp somewhere, and kill all the cp without them being able to fight you again. get over yourself

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