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Can We Get a New Rank?

Golden Pup

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I talked to someone about this (Can't remember who) and was thinking that everyone who has been on for more than a year deserves like a rank instead of VIP or user. Like Veteren or something. Maybe some extra stuff we can do that VIPs cant but not to OP to the point where we get mixed with being a staff member (Like respected) or no extra shit, just a cool looking rank.

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Well I like to build large structures, so id pay for this new rank. But also I feel like a Vip+ or veteran would be a good Idea. I had come up with this before my pban and talked to sugar about it but never got completely around to it. Maybe veterans get a 25 armor start, with that you get a cc with 50 armor start I mean its a little boost in my opinion but for the people who dont have cc's that dont have armor starts. Maybe like 2 extra walkspeed so we can travel a little faster. Something to give us a little advantage because we earned or payed for it as well as not to op where users cant keep up. Maybe a printer that gives us a little more money, now thats and entity a user can raid a vet for, I could make a whole list if i wanted to.

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Here's an idea: how about we create a new Rank called 'Faggot' for those who have been demoted from Staff indefinitely/blacklisted.


Inherits from: 'noaccess'

Cryptozz for Super Super Owner. 




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