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Magicsockdusts alts and he is a scammer


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I banned his alt earlier for failrp and ltap, he returned on his main of course after realizing he got banned.


This is a permabannable offense.


PM me with the specifics of what happened


Yuh, you can't use an alt if you get your main gets banned, and vice versa. 

[align=center]RIP Magicsockdust


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Wait I didn't know I got a ban for rdm and ltap I never intentionally ltap I was just getting on my main to access my cc I swear to god. Why was I getting banned for rdm and ltap I don't even know at what point I rdm'd someone and if so why wasn't the situation brought to me on my main when I logged onto it? I obviously would have served my ban duration.

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How is that not allowed having alts if one account gets banned they all should....


Usually, if you get banned on an alternate account and its SHARED then both accounts will get banned but if the alt rebuys the game or gets shared with another person, then they can return

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How is that not allowed having alts if one account gets banned they all should....


Usually, if you get banned on an alternate account and its SHARED then both accounts will get banned but if the alt rebuys the game or gets shared with another person, then they can return


So your saying if I get banned I should just go buy another account and play on that one instead? Isn't that literally just avoiding a ban?

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How is that not allowed having alts if one account gets banned they all should....


Usually, if you get banned on an alternate account and its SHARED then both accounts will get banned but if the alt rebuys the game or gets shared with another person, then they can return


So your saying if I get banned I should just go buy another account and play on that one instead? Isn't that literally just avoiding a ban?


Pretty much from what ive seen but usually we find out instantly and the person gets ip banned (i.e Aziz From Isis[R3zonic])

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