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i want MusicalProdigy1388 demoted from mod


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So lets begin why. So i was in a sit about owning doors and gave up with the prick of a admin. He warned me and i left the building. I then raided the guy. Killing both him and the mod. Now the guy who owned the building Naz came back and broke nlr and placed a building a sign. I reported this to the admin and his respones was as shown in my screenshots.


Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198142699448/screenshots/

He refuses to warn him and then kicks my for being toxic which i wasn't i only wanted him warned.

He called me smart and refuses to warn him please either demote him because he wouldn't even take my sit and then wouldn't warn him even though he could tell what he did.

This is clear what an admin shouldn't be doing and its terrible to see that this server hires shit admin like him who will call u smart if someone nlrs.


His name MusicalProdigy1388

Steam id (STEAM_0:0:83147435)


please someone do something to him and tell him lots of loves from herosonheroin the guy he fucked over.

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You did not raid me, we were in a sit and you killed me and the admin then you also were calling him names so he warned for staff disrespect as a good staff member would do and you raided me knowing I had nothing in my building at all.


You're honestly just mad over little things you shouldn't worry about things like this.

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It depends how the raid went. Was the building open 100% and you could visibly see there was nothing in there? That constitutes as a public place and cannot be raided. If the doors were locked then sure that's fine. They probably should of told you that a "sit" was going on and they probably should of done it somewhere else. If the whole thing was misunderstanding you both should of just laughed it off and said sorry or something. Judging by the screenshots, Musical is being kinda a dick for being an admin.

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It depends how the raid went. Was the building open 100% and you could visibly see there was nothing in there? That constitutes as a public place and cannot be raided. If the doors were locked then sure that's fine. They probably should of told you that a "sit" was going on and they probably should of done it somewhere else. If the whole thing was misunderstanding you both should of just laughed it off and said sorry or something. Judging by the screenshots, Musical is being kinda a dick for being an admin.


He had bought bit miners and printers from many people earlier, I do not know if he still HAD the entities.

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My cousin said this admin false warned him for self defense but not the other person for also breaking a rule, and then kicked him 4 or 5 times in a row for asking questions regarding the sit because he was also kicked during the sit before knowing what was happening with it. he seems to not care to actually deal with situations, but just get them over with quickly and move on as if it's not important. That's all I'm gonna say tho because idk all the details in either case.

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Not sure how the sit went but it looks like the kick was not justified. If someone is asking you questions you should answer them or if they are requesting you to punish someone and you think they shouldn't be punished you should bring them to the side and explain.

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heros on heroin you are one of the biggest minges to not be banned for an extensive period i have ever seen

and Musical is the best admin along with Dinderino and cheese they will never be demoted because their true power is well over sugar's


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I mean, I've seen him ban and do sits, more than 1/2 the time he calls the person autistic or bans for autism lmao. And he wanted me demoted for going into his sit saying "ADMEEEENNN" then spectating dindu. They questioned why I spectated, it was to see where he was cause i hired a hitman, I MEANT to type "I wasn't going to tell the hitman where he was" but due my thought process going faster than my typing I typed "I was going to tell the hitman where he was" And then they asked why I spectated the guy they were in a sit with, that was a legitimate spectate to see how dindu handles certain sits cause he seems to alot of them. :L

Next time put it on the correct format and such so something will actually be done if you want something to be done, this is the WRONG forum to post a report...

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