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Some of you might have realized that recently that I have barely been on in the game and only a small amount on the forums and it will only be getting less and less.


I would love to tell you that this would stop soon and I will go back to being on a ton everyday,

but that is not the case.


I have recently gotten a new job and I am now in my second month at my new job and I am currently the #1 sales rep, in my store, in Ontario and through out all of Canada.


Because of my recent success in my career they now require a lot more of my time.


Once I move into my new place with my girlfriend I will be able to get back onto the server more and play properly with my old set up and not on a laptop.


For the time being I will not be coming on the server.

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Honestly, that's what is best for you in my opinion. You are moving on with life and succeeding which is awesome. I fully encourage you to spend time with your friends, family, and loved ones and I hope you have a great time doing what you enjoy.

You really were an awesome player, just to let you know.

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It's hard too see you go since you were the first mod I had a sit with.  You were one of the most active mods and was fair to everyone.  Goodbye dude<3 hope everything goes your way

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Thank you all for your kind words.


I promise I will be returning,

As much as I like being a sales rep and for me it comes naturally and I am very good at it,

My real passion is gaming, doing youtube, twitch streaming, and game testing.


It is my dream one day to either become a 

Youtuber/Twitcher, A Gamer Tester, or an Indie Gamer developer.

But if none of those work out I can always fall back on my sales.

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