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Jug/ Or Cuffs Glitch

[PG] NightHawk

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Okay so I noticed as I was playing as Jug that for some odd reason after a while someone gets randomly cuffed by me some how even if I didn't have my cuffs out or if I wasn't near him I know thisbecause he would be cuffed and come to me and I didn't even cuff him so I just wanted to let you know I'll let you know if I have like a more specific reasoning of how its happening.  


                                                   ~Lua c:

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Like bone said, follow the correct format, but I'll still reply here because I'm nice.


 It might be possible that you or the person you cuffed in a previous life died, while the other didn't therefore, you would still be cuffed to said person.

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I don't know if it's a glitch. Maybe someone else cuffed them and they walked to you because you were higher ranking and/or they died and when you showed up they now approach you because you're also a CP. I've noticed when playing as SWAT Commando I'll walk up to a SWAT or CP or group of SWAT and/or CP detaining someone and the cuffed person will now approach me rather than anyone else as I arrive. It's interesting at least.

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