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Thinking About Resigning

Moist Chicken


19 members have voted

  1. 1. Resigning?

    • Resign
    • Dont Resign
    • Get out of here you filthy piece of trash

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I... I honestly don't know why everyone is asking other people their opinion if they should resign or not. I mean, its YOUR resignation.


   If you feel you need a break from the server, no ones going to stop you. No ones going to force you to reapply. My thought is, if its to much for you, decide that on your own and don't ask others for their opinion on the subject. You've done some pretty good work for someone of your age. I honestly didn't even know you were that young. If you feel you wish to leave the team. Good ahead, don't base it off of anybody else's choice.


         -System 32


^^ System always spitting facts

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Moist don't please i love you man ;-; next to drunk and kaboing 


from my experience some people know i'm strict in sits and if you act like a retard you will be treated like a child if someone throws a racial slur i'll gag them and ask them after 2 minutes "are you ready to act your age and not act like a complete moron?" and if they do it again gag them until they get the point or if you have to ban/warn for staff disrespect. plus listen dude i know to the server has changed from my almost 2 years on this journey of titsrp we are consider the old generation and if we wimp out each time someone calls us a "nigger","jew","bitch" how will we toughen up tmods? please reconsider 


also remember we have the ability gag for a reason ;3

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Maybe just log off for a couple days and calm down, don't leave staff just because people are retarded assholes. they're like that down on the ground and also irl so you can't outrun it and you shouldn't try imo. but yo, you're 11???? wtf???? you seem really mature for your age for the most part. the occasional flip out can't be blamed entirely on you, everyone does that.

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My opinion is, don't let people get to your head. It could cause a lot of trouble because you will hate being lectured by Quarel. Yes, I know the feeling. I banned a guy for cyber-bullying me the night before I was staff. OmarComin had RDMed me 6 times, and he also got a whole group of people to circle me and cuss at me. They called me a lot of things. At first, it didn't get to me, but they kept on doing it for 3 whole hours. That is when Race0pone came in and let me chill with him. The day after, I banned him for all the things he did to me. That lead to forum complaints and a whole bunch of shit that I didn't want to be a part of. Now I'm here making a name for myself. That is why you shouldn't resign. And by making a name for myself, I don't mean giving people 1 point of reputation then asking them to rep you back because you did it for them. The reputation points on the forums does not represent who you are. How you act and handle things is who you are. Who the heck cares about forum reputation points. Don't resign because of bullshit players. If someone really wanted to do something about it, more staff would be hired. Then we would get our RP player count back.



-1 for Resigning

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