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I lost my 150K due to a bug!


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Description: I made me a base and I made me a lot of money farming entities. Then I crashed due to a material before I even got money from the entities!


How to reproduce: Material: Frosted Glass. Make a prop look like Frosted Glass. Put a wall infront of you Processor and Miner Pro, make the wall look like frosted glass


Priority: Medium

I expect refund service...

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DO NOT compensate people with money or guns unless you're running a charity. You will not refund your money or guns because there are no logs for that


 Sorry my friend! Rulz is rulz! Maybe some charitable soul will refund you. But you can't really expect to be compensated by staff, there's a chance it could happen though.

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Since I'm a nice guy, I'll refund you next time I get on.

Just PM me so we can talk about it.




I agree with quarel on this one, lmao


If it's truely a bug then Sugar would refund

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