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New Map

ODA Envy

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gm_flatgrass is bigger than downtown.


+1 for flatgrass

Can you all actually take this seriously? i mean i dont wonna ruin the fun and joking,but this is a big change for the server and we need to come up with some reasonable ideas.

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Your choices are downtown variants that are actually played or other maps that are actually played that are not evocity, rockford or evilmelon.


You also have the choice of a custom map derived off downtown which a map suggestions thread will then be built and we can discuss a map to be created, blueprint it and then have it built by a mapper


Keep in mind, this map change won't happen for at least another 2 - 3 months, possibly more

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Your choices are downtown variants that are actually played or other maps that are actually played that are not evocity, rockford or evilmelon.


You also have the choice of a custom map derived off downtown which a map suggestions thread will then be built and we can discuss a map to be created, blueprint it and then have it built by a mapper


Keep in mind, this map change won't happen for at least another 2 - 3 months, possibly more


Sugar,i believe that we need a different downtown based map,i will take a look at some maps,and let you know my findings.

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Then I guess its time to remove magic man, event and say hecko to a new area in admin land.*



Event will be held a certain time of the day, for example, Purge hour, double amount of lottery money hour, random vip is chosen, and golden printer.





Make event area smaller..*


Remove prop jump or whatever the heck its called.*

Remove boss fight*



* = Optimizing perfomance even better since less resource.

 Maybe we could just make more events that don't require ample space such as admin area, and more events that take place

within the map itself.

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Then I guess its time to remove magic man, event and say hecko to a new area in admin land.*



Event will be held a certain time of the day, for example, Purge hour, double amount of lottery money hour, random vip is chosen, and golden printer.





Make event area smaller..*


Remove prop jump or whatever the heck its called.*

Remove boss fight*



* = Optimizing perfomance even better since less resource.

 Maybe we could just make more events that don't require ample space such as admin area, and more events that take place

within the map itself.

Im taking a look at a few maps,like i said,i believe we need a new map,not just a extension.I will post the map names along with my overview in a bit.

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Ok Sugar,i took a look at 3 different downtown-based maps,and here are my findings,i will let you decide witch one is better,if you like these.




So my finding's with this map is that to start off,it is VERY spacious,this map introduces a whole new look to the industrial,spawn,park and lots more areas.It also has a more "modern" or sleek feel to it.Some buildings are meant strictly for shops,while others are meant for big bases or something else.


The PD pretty much stays the same,aside from having a very small amount of added room.The jail is also one big area and is quite a bit more spacious,but nothing to drastic.


The spawn is a nice spacious area,you will be greeted by a nice fountain,gas station and 5 decently sized homes and a shed.


A new tunnel is introduced that cuts through what would be the old spawn,and add's easier navigation and space.


There is also a little "lake" or river accompanied by a little beach that is right out of what would be old spawn.It is a nice medium sized lake that has rocks in it,looks very nice.


Overall the map is a lot more spacious,adds a sleeker and cleaner feel of downtown,adding new areas to explore,build,and mess around.






So my findings with this map is that to start,it is HUGE,this map adds quite a few new areas,lots of space and a ton of cool stuff.


The spawn is a nice big spacious room big enough to fit 75 players without that much clutter.When you walk out,your basically were the industrial entrance would be,there are a few plants,and the center town is like the one now,but a little bigger.There is no fountain,just a little body of water.


The hotel across from the center is made quite a bit bigger,adding more rooms,and space.

The little "apartments" if you will,across from the hotel in the city is also made bigger,once again adding more rooms and space overall.

To the left of the city hotel is the garage door building,witch is also made bigger,including two bigger rooms in the back,and more space.

Beside the garage door building in the city,the corner building witch is very tall,is made into a more "flat" building,having 3 floors,each of witch can be accessed by the staircase on the side of the building,and two floors having 2 rooms in the back for more room.


Lots of other small building's around are greatly increased in size and space,store's look more like stores also adding more space.


Now lets talk about the PD.

The PD is granted a 2nd floor,witch im sure lots of people would be happy about,nothing super,just a 2nd floor with a round table,a door that leads into a office made specifically for the mayor,and a entirely new jail room.


The upstairs also has a door that leads to a emergency hallway,with a working elevator that take you down to another hallway underground.

This hallway has a big armored door that can be locked and controlled by a button on both sides.Past that door is a vault door,witch again can be locked and controlled from both sides.This leads into a pretty spacious area that i would assume would be were the PD bank would be placed.


This jail room is a pretty good sized jail,having 7 cells inside,a commons area,a shower,and 3 windows to the side for players to meet face to face and talk while one is in jail.


The suburbs are expanded GREATLY,some buildings be put together,expanded and trimmed up.The gas station is made way bigger and there is even a little bus stop in front of it.

The hotel is made increased in size MASSIVELY.The hotel is now a huge back-to-back building,with a big lobby that can lead to both sides of the building,the second floor is the same as the lobby,but leads into 4 different rooms.


The slums are expanded a little bit,and look a lot more clean and sleek,some buildings are a bit bigger,but nothing to big.


The "park" area is now replaced by a fully functional bank.

The bank lobby is a big area,with 10 couches to sit in,and a few other decorations.

Behind the teller window is 4 cubicles,witch i assume is were bank guards could chill.


In the center of the room is a gate,witch can be locked and opened by a player,and after that is a vault door that can also be locked and opened by the player.


Inside is a decently long space were the bank manager could put the money vault.


Overall this map is huge,defiantly a big space upgrade and a nice map overall.





So my findings with this map are very nice,but i want to start by saying that the slums and park are not changed except maybe a few texture fixes or material fixes.


So the spawn is the same location,but its very different.When you spawn,there is a small center with a fountain and a little shop.This could be used for dealer who like selling in spawn or whatever.There is a little room behind were you spawn that could be blocked off by a world prop.


When you spawn and you turn left,there is a "FLEA MARKET" sign on the wall were if you enter the door,you enter a building with multiple little shops inside,just like a flea market,there is another door that leads into the middle of the city.


In the suburbs,the hotel is not effected,but instead of a gas station beside of it,the gas station is moved into the "parking lot" area near the tunnel entrance to the suburbs tunnel,and in place of the gas station is a church with a little graveyard,meaning that the preacher job would actually have somewhere to be instead of running around chucking bibles at people.


Now the house beside the church(the gas station in our map) that house has no changes in build but material changes and it looks more sleek.

We will no longer have to worry about exploiting behind the house with the fence because in this map,that has been patched.


The corner building beside that also has no build change,just material changes.


Also in the suburbs is a huge hospital.The lobby of this hospital is very large,and there is a center desk for a worker.

Inside the main part of the hospital is 3 rooms.


A room with 3 hospital beds,and a few wheelchairs,a private room with a bed,desk and computer,and wheelchair,and the crematory.


The crematory is a room with 3 lockable cells and a control panel that pulls back the floor in the cells,releasing whoever is inside into a fire-pit.

This hospital would actually give the medic a place to work and the hazmat as well,so he could burn sick people that have ebola.



Lets talk about a very popular topic,the PD.


The PD in this map is very spacious,the lobby is open and a front desk is in the center,there is also tons of room to put the bounty board,PD screen and even more if needed/added.


Past the second doors are the jail cells,there are 3 cells and its very spacious.

There is a pole at the corner of the room that can be slid down/climbed.


When you go down this pole there is a big parking garage witch would be used for police cars/public cars if needed.

There is a button to operate a big sliding door that leads outside to the city street.Adding cars wouldn't be necessary unless you wanted to add them,but this garage could serve as a base for the PD to fall back into during a raid/revolt.You could even put the bank down here,or somewhere else.


Up the little ramp in the garage is a toll booth that has 2 poles blocking of the entrance,and is controlled in the booth by a button.


Attached to the PD,accessed by a lockable door in the lobby,is the court room,this place is very cool,as it gives judge gabe a actually place to work and be useful,players could go to court to let judge gabe decide if they get fined,arrested,or let go.


This court is pretty big,it has 2 rows of 3 seats,and of course a judge stand.There is also a little room to the side for the judges office.

There is also a little lobby with some couches,a security room,and a few other empty rooms.


The bank is a big building close to the court,it is a big,nice,spacious,sleek bank.In the lobby is a little "statue" thing in the center.When you walk in,to the left is 2 windows for tellers to be,and to the right is 4 cubicles for workers or just RP,or decoration.


There are 2 small waterfalls in each corner,and then upstairs is were the vault is.The vault has a big cage around the door,this cage door is a little glitchy,as it seems its just a prop,and not a door,so maybe you could add one Sugar,or let players add one when they are bank manager.

After the cage is the vault door,witch is also a prop and not a door for some reason,so you could do what i said about the cage door to the vault door as well.


Inside the vault is a kinda small area,were you could put the money bank and some defenses if you wanted too.


Also upstairs is a little room with a round desk for a meeting,on the other side is 2 little security rooms witch is were the bank guards could stay if they wanted too.


The cinema is updated too,that has a working pull-down screen that can be controlled upstairs,and balcony seating.


Overall,this map adds a lot of space,more buildings so that jobs actually have a place to contribute,and is very nice and well built.


Here are some of the new possible jobs that could be created in some of these maps:

  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Toll booth manager
  • Flea market owner
  • Flea market worker
  • Jury(PD base)
  • Garage worker
  • Garage security
  • Cinema manager


And thats about it! I hoped this helped Sugar and everyone else on witch one they like,because these are probably the best downtown-based maps to choose from!

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Alright, I checked out downtown_kbz. Here are some pros and cons:



+VERY large map, while still maintaining the rough downtown layout

+A lot of really cool bases, including shops and criminal design bases

+A VERY nice pd. Pretty much exactly like evilmelon's PD, which is good, because evilmelon would be baller if it was optimised

+Relatively good optimisation, I say relatively kinda loosely, as some places I get about 60FPS on a single player server with almost zero addons, but other places give me 300FPS.

+A bank area for the bank manager


-There are some pointless wastes of terrain, one example would be the fountain area, it has a ton of space that really can't be used. Another example is near the suburbs, where there's just grass. I guess you could put a hobo base there.



-A pretty big rendering issue, this is what I mean:




-The map is a bit too large to walk around on foot, cars may need to be added, but the ones we currently have will do.


-No admin area, this means we will have nowhere to put the events system.



That's about it for kbz, I will add more points and screenshots when I've stopped getting shit tons of homework.

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Alright, I checked out downtown_kbz. Here are some pros and cons:



+VERY large map, while still maintaining the rough downtown layout

+A lot of really cool bases, including shops and criminal design bases

+A VERY nice pd. Pretty much exactly like evilmelon's PD, which is good, because evilmelon would be baller if it was optimised

+Relatively good optimisation, I say relatively kinda loosely, as some places I get about 60FPS on a single player server with almost zero addons, but other places give me 300FPS.

+A bank area for the bank manager


-There are some pointless wastes of terrain, one example would be the fountain area, it has a ton of space that really can't be used. Another example is near the suburbs, where there's just grass. I guess you could put a hobo base there.



-A pretty big rendering issue, this is what I mean:




-The map is a bit too large to walk around on foot, cars may need to be added, but the ones we currently have will do.


-No admin area, this means we will have nowhere to put the events system.



That's about it for kbz, I will add more points and screenshots when I've stopped getting shit tons of homework.


Yea but these new big maps would mean we could implement new events in certain parts of it.Also idk why you have rendering issues with kbz becuase i dont.




Also rp_downtown_altered has a nice big admin room under the map for us to conduct sits in.

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