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New guns have to much recoil

CuddlyKraken @Twitch

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Quality of Life


Description: The new guns added have way to much recoil when shooting it is unrealistic and unusable.


How to reproduce: 

Buy gun Ex. ACR I have not tested or know the names of any of the other guns that got added but many have complained to me about all the new guns added.

Hold done the shoot buttom

Watch the recoil fly!


Priority: Medium

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The burst fire works ok at medium to close range, but outside of that it's all over the place.

Tested MSMC, AR15, and ACR. All tested at Full auto aiming down sights, then tested in a 2 shot rapid burst patter.

SO.. heres the run down..


pic 1 Range, target was reset after each test.

pic 2 MSMC Full auto

pic 3 MSMC 2 shot rapid burst

pic 4 AR15 Full auto

pic 5 AR15 2 shot rapid burts

pic 6 ACR Full Auto

pic 7 ACR 2 shot rapid burst

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Alright, I did some tests for you guys.







Burst Fire:




Tap Fire:




Full-Auto (ADS):




Full-Auto (Recoil Compensation Technique):




Final Note:


This isn't call of duty, not every shot you shoot is going to hit somebody. If you want to help the amount of shots that hit someone, either get better at the game, or heck, AIM DOWN THE SIGHTS.

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