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My View on things in the server

187th that guy with the gu

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    • Yes but only because i like to laugh at your shit ideas
    • No cause your ideas are shit
    • Boob

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I got bored so I decided to share how I see things on the server and the logic I have behind some things that I say. Mostly to help u guys get to know me more.


The Servers economy:

ok so there is not much to say except that making money used to be really ez about a year ago and I pretty much miss those days of printing a few mil a day. But for the new players I like the economy cause its not TOO risky for them.


Also why the FUCK are some of the newbies like super super poor. like 50% of the newbs have under 10k like what the shit guys, go mine some metal or run some parcels, make an ez 50k in like 10 min.


Also sugar I'm still pissed off that there are no salaries, I paid good money for my CC to have a 100$ salary like wtf man. I'm pretty sure that 100$ isn't going to make anyone super rich.



The Staff.


Most of the staff are 13-16 year olds that sound like they are 10-13 over the mic. now I got nothing against squeakers and I don't want to offend anyone but some of these staff can get real pissy. and if u get mad at me for posting that comment then ur prob one of them and shouldn't really be a staff member. So if I didn't piss you off that means your doing an excellent job and should remain a staff


Who do I think should be staff memebers? Well the best staff in my opinion should be people who have shown to help new players and are relatively calm about things and are very unbiased and don't WANT to be staff members but still want to help other people out. this would show that they are not power hungry and should be offered the position instead of applying. Now I know what your thinking but it makes sense once you think about it. And yes applying should still be a thing but that's what I think would make the BEST staff member.



Map changes


Well if you haven't seen my suggestions before, I'm all for a map change cause ive pretty much had enough of downtown but sadly 90% of players still love the old map so rip me and everyone else a little tired of the map.

Who know maybe someone will take sugars offer or people realize that downtown is a shit map or something one day.



Custom Classes.

Now this one DOES make me a little pissed off; Some peoples customs classes are op as FUCK man, and sugar lets them keep their op class. meanwhile a little under a month ago I asked sugar if I could make a brand new class with the sans swep which was a little powerful to be honest but not sooooo powerful that it would break the game. I was even willing to pay extra in game for it too but I got denied. Like why cant I have a powerful swep while other people have the most unstoppable classes that could make the sans swep look like complete shit.


Also I don't really think that "Raid people at your level" or "Don't raid newbs" rule is ever enforced. like I always see CC's raiding new players that cant even afford a decent gun to defend against an average raid group, much less an op CC group raid with their c4's and op custom weps that for some reason weren't denied by sugar. So come one guys don't be dicks to the new players.


Going back to when I asked sugar for the sans swep, I just wanted it because it looked cool. I don't really plan to use it that much I just like to show off my wealth and my cool shit these days cause like I said in other posts, ive kinda done it all. So ive made I final compromise, I cant mug, raid, or kidnap with the class but I CAN base (cause I gotta maintain my status and shit with da $) with  the shit bases that I make. (I don't reall base that much anymore either. And if you still think its op at least test ut out first and nerf it if u have too. cause I just REALLY REALLY WANT IT.


Stock market


This is my bread and butter on how I make my money. or at least it was until sugar added that 100k limit on how much stock u can have in 1 company. (srsly what the shit man). instead of stopping me from making more money, it just increased my research time be like 20 minutes.


Also the stock market is predicted to crash once the election is over so I would withdrawl your stocks soon, just a quick tip.





I wish their were more things to spend money on. So I came up with a few things,


1. Perma perks and levels

Make things like extra hp, extra salary (if you add this back), Extra interest in the investment bank or maybe upgrade the max initial deposite, extra jump height, extra running speed, extra inventory space, better luck in unboxing, decreased jail time, decreased fine amount, and ect


2. Buyable titles, Examples, "Gentleman" "Expert" "Pro Raider" "king" Lord" "Tits" "Hobo" "Skrub" and have cooler titles be more expensive so something like "Hobo" would be like $500 and something like "Xeno King" would be like 1mil. Custom Title should be an option for 5mil and you can change it any time for free.


3  Maybe Add trails?


4. Maybe add powerful guns for a high price/make the GOOD unboxable weapons buyable from the supplier for a high price. this would make stuff like the disguise kit like 500k and shit. something to spend money on.


5. Make Some of the pills rpable and raise the price slightly. Now I still don't understand the concept of pills if you can rp as the pill your playing as. This is what I get out of it. "hey guys ima zombie, rawr..... ok now what?" so heres what I think.


Zombie pills/ monster pills: Must form a group of at least 5 and advert "zombie apocalypse" (or something like that) and can then go on a killing spree until they get killed.


Combine: Kill the zombies and protect people. Can assist cops on Cp raids.


As for the rest of the pillz I cant really find a use for them so far but I would like to see the above happen.





Propclimb: Its just fine as it is


Survival: Take out the ones where you can die in 5 seconds because its explosive weapons and/or u only can get hit once, cause those are no fun at all. other than that the once that actually take some skill along with luck can stay.


Race event: last time I checked its broken, but when its fixed I would love to see different race courses instead just the one.


Boss event: needs to not be a square arena, maybe one of the small towns from the survival events could be used cause that would make it cooler. also the only threat in it is the op combine, otherwise its easy. honestly I don't mind if it takes many more waves but nerf the combine, its not fun if they do THAT much damage. also take off the team killing, ive been trolled sooo many times.


Defend the bank: Its a shit event cause everybody just guards it and if you lucky you will get a shipment if nobody else gets it before you. not worth an event token or 1mil at all.


Golden printer: its fine but if somebody started it, it should give that person and extra 1mil throughout its life since it only pays out 750k and takes 1mil to start it.


KOTH: Its a good event but it should NOT pay out 5mil to the winner sometimes. or at least if it does, make all the other events have a chance to payout that 5mil too.




They are pretty broken and should honestly be removed.


Vip jobs


I think that the fact that some of the vip jobs need a vote before becoming the job is bs. cause sometimes that means that u never get to be the job that u grinded/paid 5$ to get access too! Like the swat sniper and the terrorist, they shouldn't need votes as vip jobs, but that's just me.



Well I hope that was something worth reading to some of you and others are prob thinking why the fuck did I waste my time reading this but I hope this sheds some light on my thinking.


I'll do one on each individual job if you guys want a shitty sequel to this.


anyways later.

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Man I have to say this. Why is it every time you come back you go on the forums just to bitch about everything in the server. Everything in this post has been talked about in some post before. Its good that people dont have a lot of money because if they did then the server would start to feel useless. The staff is actually not too bad we just promoted an admin today for going ham on sits for the longest time. The map will not change and we have stated this over and over.  CC were never meant to be op. Because you have one and think they are not op and get mad about it think about the people who dont have one. They dont want some kid named Timmy able to blow up their whole base while shooting mini nukes at them bemuse that would not be fun. Most of them are really balanced. They all have the same weapon damage. If you want something stronger you should forge a weapon. You made all of your money on the stock market of a exploit so dont act like you did some real hard work there. The money thing is something sugar has been trying to figure out.


So my question is why come back and do this every month man. You come back and you do all of this get the same response and then leave. Then come back again. Instead of going and saying this is shit why not try to exlpain how it could be improved or another system that could make it better instead of saying a shitstorm.

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The economy is where I want it. It's not hard to get money but when someone said the other day "Ya I made 200k yesterday farming" and everyone was like "Holy shit how did you do that, thats CRAZY" it makes it seem like it's a good place to be.


Do you want inflated cash (thats a rhetorical question, no one wants that)? People were just complaining that it's stupid that it's inflated. It just defeats the whole purpose. Sure, I can give everyone 2 billion dollars when they join and every printer prints 4 billion dollars a print and then the guns will cost 400 trillion dollars.


Who do I think should be staff memebers? Well the best staff in my opinion should be people who have shown to help new players and are relatively calm about things and are very unbiased and don't WANT to be staff members but still want to help other people out.


That's great, it seems like me, you and everyone else share the same views. We want helpful people to be staff members, not staff that ignore 10+ admin sits of mass rdm / mass rda / rdm because they are RPing and they feel that's more important. Unfortunately, the staff you see on the server is considered the best of the best. If the whole server was moderated by Jr Tunnel Snakes, Jr Sugar Tits and heck even a Jr Uwu, we would have no issues. Except, this doesn't happen. It just boggles my mind. Why put in the effort to apply for a position but when you finally get it OR even PAY for it, you just slap your nuts on the desk.

It's like writing a job application, going through the interview process, getting hired and then when you show up for work, you just sit in the shitter and sniff glue. Then complaining after a few months of why you haven't been promoted to a higher rank or something


In the past 3 months I have never gotten a complaint about CC's. All CC guns do exact damage of their CSS counterparts. If you want a gun reviewed, let me know. Don't just assume I know issues because 90% of the time, if I know they exist, they would be fixed almost immediately.


The "Don't raid noobs" rule does actually get enforced if the person complains and has reason to complain. Just 99% of the time, people just don't care. I have a plan to help this issue further down the line.


There is only so much you can spend your money on. Titles are something I have planned. I want to do it like an achievement system rather than a "Make your own title" kinda thing. It would be cool to showcase your accomplishments.


Trails can cause some seriously weird lag and it would be bad to let every player have one. Basically when you get out of a player's PVS you will no longer render them. With trails, you will always render them regardless of their position (at least from what I can tell since I only know about this from watching it from the skybox)


Gangs aren't broken but they will go through a rewrite within the next month or so


VIP jobs will be reworked too. I am more focused on player jobs as of right now.


Also for anyone else, sorry for my absence for the past few days or so. I will not be doing anything until I finished all my semester projects (2/5) so far but the fist 2 were the longest, so hopefully by tomorrow - monday I will be done and I will resume normal stuff

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On the staff issue, I seem to have encouraged a lot of mods to come back and knock as many sits as they can out

Especially now, I'm starting to get a lot more strict with the whole T-Mods RDMing and Mods not doing sits even though they themselves are getting rdmed (this actually happened last night) Hopefully its a lot less hectic

Also I was getting messages from the T-Mod Mi Cara about being laggy and the server crashing, so I figured id hop on and see if I could crack whatever was happening, and alls I see in console is White Guys spawned prop Potato_Launcher White guy used tool stacker White Guys spawned prop Potato_Launcher White guy used tool stacker so I spectate and hes stacking plates inside of themselves so I go to him and he immediately turns, laughs, and pushes r (nearly crashing the server for a 4th time) so I ban him, now I was stuck wondering how they didn't realize this so I ask and I get told Doug went to him and asked about it and he said "heyyy wtf im making a restaurant leave me alone" so he just left... Mi Cara pushed that to the back of his mind as white guy in the clear bc he already looked into it, but some of you guys need a talking to on doing what you think is right and not what seems right lol

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Man I have to say this. Why is it every time you come back you go on the forums just to bitch about everything in the server. Everything in this post has been talked about in some post before. Its good that people dont have a lot of money because if they did then the server would start to feel useless. The staff is actually not too bad we just promoted an admin today for going ham on sits for the longest time. The map will not change and we have stated this over and over.  CC were never meant to be op. Because you have one and think they are not op and get mad about it think about the people who dont have one. They dont want some kid named Timmy able to blow up their whole base while shooting mini nukes at them bemuse that would not be fun. Most of them are really balanced. They all have the same weapon damage. If you want something stronger you should forge a weapon. You made all of your money on the stock market of a exploit so dont act like you did some real hard work there. The money thing is something sugar has been trying to figure out.


So my question is why come back and do this every month man. You come back and you do all of this get the same response and then leave. Then come back again. Instead of going and saying this is shit why not try to exlpain how it could be improved or another system that could make it better instead of saying a shitstorm.


Tis very true but I like bitching so idk, like I said I got bored, but not everything I said in the post was a complain.  but if it makes you happy I will stop.

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