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Unboxing Needs To Be Changed

What do You think of the unboxing system?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What do You think of the unboxing system?

    • Unboxing is Fine the Way it Is
    • I like Idea 1 only
    • I like idea 2 only
    • I like idea 1 and 2 but cant decide between them

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Unboxing is kinda shit right now, and nobody really unboxes unless they can do like 100 unboxes to try to get 1 or 2 purples. And you know unboxing is shit when a BRICK and a P99 is considered a pink. So I got 2 solutions to this problem.


Idea 1: 1st Remove the weapon modifier job. 2nd, transfer all the weapon tiers into the unbox system, so common weapons would be blue, uncommon would be pink, epics would be purples, and legendary would be gold. (you can keep the $ prizes in the system too along with the event token). 3rd, make the total price of unboxing like 5k, so you lose $ if u get a blue but win a little when u get pink.


Idea 2: 1st Make Blues useful weapons like how it was when the system first came out.  Make pinks powerful weapons like the bulk cannon, spiderman gun awp assimov (srsly awp assimov isn't THAT good to deserve the purple tier in unboxing)  and stealth camo's and stuff. (stealth camo also doesn't really deserve the purple title) Purples and golds should be more or less the same. 2nd the rates could be the same but make purples slightly more common and blues slightly more common. and 3rd, make the price to unbox around 5k cause you are getting something useful now.


Anyways Guys Please Vote and hopefully we get reforms!

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Unboxing is kinda shit right now, and nobody really unboxes unless they can do like 100 unboxes to try to get 1 or 2 purples. And you know unboxing is shit when a BRICK and a P99 is considered a pink. So I got 2 solutions to this problem.


Idea 1: 1st Remove the weapon modifier job. 2nd, transfer all the weapon tiers into the unbox system, so common weapons would be blue, uncommon would be pink, epics would be purples, and legendary would be gold. (you can keep the $ prizes in the system too along with the event token). 3rd, make the total price of unboxing like 5k, so you lose $ if u get a blue but win a little when u get pink.


Idea 2: 1st Make Blues useful weapons like how it was when the system first came out.  Make pinks powerful weapons like the bulk cannon, spiderman gun awp assimov (srsly awp assimov isn't THAT good to deserve the purple tier in unboxing)  and stealth camo's and stuff. (stealth camo also doesn't really deserve the purple title) Purples and golds should be more or less the same. 2nd the rates could be the same but make purples slightly more common and blues slightly more common. and 3rd, make the price to unbox around 5k cause you are getting something useful now.


Anyways Guys Please Vote and hopefully we get reforms!

i like it how it is just make it unbox faster

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Sugar has said before that unboxing isn't suppose to be rewarding, it's a spot where he chose to make player who want stuff to funnel money and have a slight chance at getting a reward.


Not make it so you unbox so you get good shit to work with regularly


Yes But even though that's its purpose, we can still ask for reforms, and the purpose of this post was to see if people liked my ideas for the unboxing system and so far its gotten only 1 to stay the way it is and 5 for change on the poll. And its still going to be fair because the price to unbox would be raised too.

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