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Cars and why they should come back


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So I came back to the server and I saw that cars had been removed.

I also realized that without cars it took forever to get to other parts of the map, and as a CP you need to get to raids and emergencies quickly

And yes I know that cars used to insta kill people in the road and yes I would laugh my ass off everytime a car went flying around the corner and killed groups of people.

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Except people don't want to spend all of their paychecks and in-game money to have a CC.


Think of that?


My opinion:


Cars were REALLY fun and you could get from one side of the map to the other in no time, I hate having to master sword around because I don't have a Spiderman SWEP, or having to run around as a cop, it's tedious.


Cars make having groups so much more fun because group raid would be easier: you could get there and back to your base in no time.


It's annoying having to RUN drugs from one side of the map to another and have to have someone guard you. I hate having my drugs stolen just because some prick can jump on top of them and force them out of my reach.

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Cars were removed for several reasons. Some of the bigger reasons include:


  • They took up a lot of server space (Anywhere from 100mb -  300mb)
  • They were intensive to drive around serverside
  • They required an extra 3 addons to make them 100% usable (VCMod, VCMod ELS, and some arbitrary car dealer + all these addons have more of an effect on the client and server)
  • The map is way too small

Are cars cool? Do I wish we could have them? I wish we could do a lot of things. But in order to continuously progress we have to make sacrifices for good or for worst.

Are they needed? Not at all. I personally haven't thought "Wow, I wish I had a car to get over here". The map is small enough to just walk or run. 


Cars were REALLY fun and you could get from one side of the map to the other in no time, I hate having to master sword around because I don't have a Spiderman SWEP, or having to run around as a cop, it's tedious.


Cars make having groups so much more fun because group raid would be easier: you could get there and back to your base in no time.


It's annoying having to RUN drugs from one side of the map to another and have to have someone guard you. I hate having my drugs stolen just because some prick can jump on top of them and force them out of my reach.


If you make everything easier, then whats the point. If you make it so every player can have their own little safe place, every guy can just fly across the map with their lightsaber or a spiderman gun, every guy can just sit in the corner and AFK with drugs and printers just to spawn an NPC so they can be super secure and get their money, where is the fun or excitement.


If it's not hard or annoying then what is your purpose for playing the game. People were angry that printers no longer made 2 million per hour, people were angry that lightsabers were removed, people were angry that spiderman guns were forced off custom classes, people were angry when they learned they could be arrested for up to 20 minutes.


I mean I can make it so CP shoot health at you so when they attack you, they only heal you. I can make it so when they arrest you, you get sent to your base and a money printer will spawn next to you. I can make it when you get raided, you can call for an admin and get everything refunded. I can make it so every user is just on godmode so they never die and they can just farm money in peace. I can make it so every user will spawn with every weapon in the game every single time they die.


You should be saying "Shit someone can steal my drugs, I have to make a journey across the map", "Jimmy we are getting raided, we might lose our printers until the next reset", "I just killed the Mayor and the CP have a warrant out for my arrest, I can get arrested for 10 - 20 minutes"


Kinda a rant but the game is supposed to be annoying to an extent. If you find that some things are difficult but obtainable then I am doing the right thing.

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Cars were removed for several reasons. Some of the bigger reasons include:


  • They took up a lot of server space (Anywhere from 100mb -  300mb)
  • They were intensive to drive around serverside
  • They required an extra 3 addons to make them 100% usable (VCMod, VCMod ELS, and some arbitrary car dealer + all these addons have more of an effect on the client and server)
  • The map is way too small

Are cars cool? Do I wish we could have them? I wish we could do a lot of things. But in order to continuously progress we have to make sacrifices for good or for worst.

Are they needed? Not at all. I personally haven't thought "Wow, I wish I had a car to get over here". The map is small enough to just walk or run. 


Cars were REALLY fun and you could get from one side of the map to the other in no time, I hate having to master sword around because I don't have a Spiderman SWEP, or having to run around as a cop, it's tedious.


Cars make having groups so much more fun because group raid would be easier: you could get there and back to your base in no time.


It's annoying having to RUN drugs from one side of the map to another and have to have someone guard you. I hate having my drugs stolen just because some prick can jump on top of them and force them out of my reach.


If you make everything easier, then whats the point. If you make it so every player can have their own little safe place, every guy can just fly across the map with their lightsaber or a spiderman gun, every guy can just sit in the corner and AFK with drugs and printers just to spawn an NPC so they can be super secure and get their money, where is the fun or excitement.


If it's not hard or annoying then what is your purpose for playing the game. People were angry that printers no longer made 2 million per hour, people were angry that lightsabers were removed, people were angry that spiderman guns were forced off custom classes, people were angry when they learned they could be arrested for up to 20 minutes.


I mean I can make it so CP shoot health at you so when they attack you, they only heal you. I can make it so when they arrest you, you get sent to your base and a money printer will spawn next to you. I can make it when you get raided, you can call for an admin and get everything refunded. I can make it so every user is just on godmode so they never die and they can just farm money in peace. I can make it so every user will spawn with every weapon in the game every single time they die.


You should be saying "Shit someone can steal my drugs, I have to make a journey across the map", "Jimmy we are getting raided, we might lose our printers until the next reset", "I just killed the Mayor and the CP have a warrant out for my arrest, I can get arrested for 10 - 20 minutes"


Kinda a rant but the game is supposed to be annoying to an extent. If you find that some things are difficult but obtainable then I am doing the right thing.


Am I the only one who enjoys what sugar has yo think about things? But I agree something make the game to easy and I know I'm a hypocrite seeing as I have one of the most op custom classes but its still a challenge.

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I never said they should be readded...


I was just sharing my opinion in the situation itself, I understand the downsides, I was just pointing out the good things about it...

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I honestly thought cars were pointless....

That is because of the size of the map.…



Then when sugar added damage with the vehicle and 5 year olds would mass vehicle deatmatch


I hate vehicles 10x more than everyone using explosives on the server 10 times…

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