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Servv's 1 week Ban Appeal


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Why were you banned or warned?

I was banned due to miscommunication between myself and my Banner. I made a mistake but i would greatly appreciate some compassion. I can Promise i wont break any nlr rules or anything of the such

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

It really was a misunderstanding and the fact it resulted in a 1 week ban is wild. I would be extremely thankful if you someone could please consider unbanning me <3

Who warned/banned you?

Mild Tsunami

How long were you warned or banned for?

1 Week Ban
Edited by Servv
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1 minute ago, Yung PussyBanger said:

I appreciate that you're apologizing and saying you won't do it again, but can you elaborate on what happened? Do you have any evidence of the situation, or sit? 

Yuh i was playing as Mr bones and there was a tavern that said my character wasnt allowed inside so i went in trying to ask why i couldnt come in. when i went inside he killed me. i waited a minute(not an exact minute probably more than that) but when i came back the second time i again tried convincing him to let my in. all in an RP style "why am i not allowed inside/ what can i do to be allowed in" And he killed me again. so i finally just changed my job then went back and was instantly killed again. at no point was i asking the person why he kept killing me or anything like that after coming back to life.  I was then pulled into a sit and told i was breaking NLR and so he banned me. i dont have any pictures unfortunately.

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10 minutes ago, Servv said:

Yuh i was playing as Mr bones and there was a tavern that said my character wasnt allowed inside so i went in trying to ask why i couldnt come in. when i went inside he killed me. i waited a minute(not an exact minute probably more than that) but when i came back the second time i again tried convincing him to let my in. all in an RP style "why am i not allowed inside/ what can i do to be allowed in" And he killed me again. so i finally just changed my job then went back and was instantly killed again. at no point was i asking the person why he kept killing me or anything like that after coming back to life.  I was then pulled into a sit and told i was breaking NLR and so he banned me. i dont have any pictures unfortunately.

i see....well that is breaking NLR (MNLR to be exact) and it seems you were rightfully punished for it, but i'm going to stay NEUTRAL and wait for the banning staff member's reply before I cast my vote. Though, this could be seen as a misunderstanding, but you have previous warns and bans. It could also be entirely possible that you were blinded by the RP aspect, not realizing you were actively breaking a rule. 

Edited by Yung PussyBanger
multiple spelling errors
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Just now, Yung PussyBanger said:

i see....well that is braeking NLR (MNLR to be exact) and it seems you were rightfully punished for it, but i'm going to stay NEUTRAL and wait for the banning staff member reply before I cast my vote. Though, this could be seen as a misunderstanding, but you have previous warns and bans. It could also be entirely possible that you were blinded by the RP aspect, not realizing you were actively breaking a rule. 

blinded bythe RP aspect is a great way to put it. but indeed i now realize i was in the wrong. i cant really justify my previous warns and bans since i cannot remember what they are for. but thank you for your input!

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2 hours ago, Servv said:

blinded bythe RP aspect is a great way to put it. but indeed i now realize i was in the wrong. i cant really justify my previous warns and bans since i cannot remember what they are for. but thank you for your input!

Your last warn is for breaking nlr 8 months ago. If everything you said is exactly true, i would be +1 for a reduction to 1 day. I'll wait for banning staff to respond before saying anything official though.

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Hello, Servv I was the banning staff member and the one who took the sit and I would like to say I was going to do education over punishment for you on this matter. I always believe in giving people another chance and I did want to until the very end. During the sit up to the end I was going to give you a warn however you did become rude at the end and LTAP'd which defaults to the longest form of that punishment which is why I decided to go ahead and ban you for the 1 week.

Chat LOGS from the sit

Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !banid STEAM_0:1:457382269 1w MNLR | NITRP <19-12-2023 / 16:10:52>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said smd <19-12-2023 / 16:10:42>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said idfc <19-12-2023 / 16:10:34>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said end the sit <19-12-2023 / 16:10:27>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said fine <19-12-2023 / 16:10:19>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said twice <19-12-2023 / 16:10:02>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said i didnt want to switch so i tried to convice him but he killed me. <19-12-2023 / 16:09:56>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said to come back as someone else <19-12-2023 / 16:09:40>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said he told me to <19-12-2023 / 16:09:34>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said nah <19-12-2023 / 16:09:32>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said its not nlr if i was a new charecter <19-12-2023 / 16:09:23>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said fuck mr bones <19-12-2023 / 16:09:01>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said he killed me after i changed <19-12-2023 / 16:08:57>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said new charecter <19-12-2023 / 16:08:51>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said nlr <19-12-2023 / 16:08:47>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said doesnt matter <19-12-2023 / 16:08:46>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said then i came back didnt do anything and he killed me again as this charecter <19-12-2023 / 16:08:38>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !warns <19-12-2023 / 16:08:31>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said going back to rp and he shoots me <19-12-2023 / 16:08:17>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said to rp? <19-12-2023 / 16:08:10>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said not shooting <19-12-2023 / 16:07:54>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said i was trying to ask him why i couldnt come in <19-12-2023 / 16:07:48>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr STEAM_0:1:457382269 <19-12-2023 / 16:07:15>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !bring STEAM_0:1:457382269 <19-12-2023 / 16:07:08>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !sit <19-12-2023 / 16:06:30>

Chat LOGS f
or the tavern where you kept going back and spamming chat which is why they were killing you:

Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /pm MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a Unknown <19-12-2023 / 16:06:01>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /ooc MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a Unknown <19-12-2023 / 16:05:59>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said wtf <19-12-2023 / 16:05:53>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said hello <19-12-2023 / 16:05:49>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:50>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:49>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:45>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:39>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:31>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:27>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:03:55>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr slap <19-12-2023 / 16:03:28>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:03:25>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !return <19-12-2023 / 16:03:13>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said gonna keep talking <19-12-2023 / 16:03:07>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ok and <19-12-2023 / 16:03:05>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said just a skeloton <19-12-2023 / 16:02:56>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said im more alive then i was <19-12-2023 / 16:02:52>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr slap <19-12-2023 / 16:02:51>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !spectate slap <19-12-2023 / 16:02:47>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said to you maybe <19-12-2023 / 16:02:45>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumb <19-12-2023 / 16:02:29>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said tranq in bone. <19-12-2023 / 16:02:17>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said goodluck <19-12-2023 / 16:02:00>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr STEAM_0:0:80009642 <19-12-2023 / 16:01:53>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said they will kidnap you <19-12-2023 / 16:01:46>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said nah you're being skinsist <19-12-2023 / 16:01:25>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said smokin fat chillin bruh <19-12-2023 / 16:01:13>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said if you could so through your fat eyelids you would see im chilling you fat fuck <19-12-2023 / 16:00:59>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said super fat <19-12-2023 / 16:00:36>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said super fat <19-12-2023 / 16:00:33>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:00:27>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:00:23>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fuckin <19-12-2023 / 16:00:14>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said youyoso fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so <19-12-2023 / 15:59:59>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:46>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:40>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:34>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:28>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:27>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:24>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat <19-12-2023 / 15:59:14>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said supposed to be dead <19-12-2023 / 15:59:04>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said im illegal <19-12-2023 / 15:59:00>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said why <19-12-2023 / 15:58:51>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said can i have beer <19-12-2023 / 15:58:43>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said skinsist <19-12-2023 / 15:57:46>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said why cant i come in <19-12-2023 / 15:57:33>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said // shut up no there isnt <19-12-2023 / 15:49:21>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said // no kos <19-12-2023 / 15:49:03>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /pm MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a MSMC <19-12-2023 / 15:48:49>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /ooc MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a MSMC <19-12-2023 / 15:48:47>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /anon slut me out <19-12-2023 / 15:47:51>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said // i think this guy actuallys rapes <19-12-2023 / 15:44:47>


Here is the disconnect log that shows you LTAP'd before I typed in the command to ban you:

Connection LOGS

Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !banid STEAM_0:1:457382269 1w MNLR | NITRP <19-12-2023 / 16:10:52>
Player ❤️ (STEAM_0:1:457382269)  disconnected from  the server <19-12-2023 / 16:10:46>
Player ❤️ (STEAM_0:1:457382269)  connected to  the server <19-12-2023 / 15:49:57>
Player ❤️ (STEAM_0:1:457382269)  disconnected from  the server <19-12-2023 / 15:49:53>


According to logs you did LTAP and were being rude in the sit and to the tavern keepers as well. -1 for unban

Edited by Mild Tsunami
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2 hours ago, Mild Tsunami said:

Hello, Servv I was the banning staff member and the one who took the sit and I would like to say I was going to do education over punishment for you on this matter. I always believe in giving people another chance and I did want to until the very end. During the sit up to the end I was going to give you a warn however you did become rude at the end and LTAP'd which defaults to the longest form of that punishment which is why I decided to go ahead and ban you for the 1 week.

Chat LOGS from the sit

Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !banid STEAM_0:1:457382269 1w MNLR | NITRP <19-12-2023 / 16:10:52>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said smd <19-12-2023 / 16:10:42>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said idfc <19-12-2023 / 16:10:34>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said end the sit <19-12-2023 / 16:10:27>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said fine <19-12-2023 / 16:10:19>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said twice <19-12-2023 / 16:10:02>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said i didnt want to switch so i tried to convice him but he killed me. <19-12-2023 / 16:09:56>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said to come back as someone else <19-12-2023 / 16:09:40>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said he told me to <19-12-2023 / 16:09:34>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said nah <19-12-2023 / 16:09:32>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said its not nlr if i was a new charecter <19-12-2023 / 16:09:23>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said fuck mr bones <19-12-2023 / 16:09:01>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said he killed me after i changed <19-12-2023 / 16:08:57>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said new charecter <19-12-2023 / 16:08:51>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said nlr <19-12-2023 / 16:08:47>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said doesnt matter <19-12-2023 / 16:08:46>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said then i came back didnt do anything and he killed me again as this charecter <19-12-2023 / 16:08:38>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !warns <19-12-2023 / 16:08:31>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said going back to rp and he shoots me <19-12-2023 / 16:08:17>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said to rp? <19-12-2023 / 16:08:10>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said not shooting <19-12-2023 / 16:07:54>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said i was trying to ask him why i couldnt come in <19-12-2023 / 16:07:48>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr STEAM_0:1:457382269 <19-12-2023 / 16:07:15>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !bring STEAM_0:1:457382269 <19-12-2023 / 16:07:08>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !sit <19-12-2023 / 16:06:30>

Chat LOGS f
or the tavern where you kept going back and spamming chat which is why they were killing you:

Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /pm MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a Unknown <19-12-2023 / 16:06:01>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /ooc MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a Unknown <19-12-2023 / 16:05:59>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said wtf <19-12-2023 / 16:05:53>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said hello <19-12-2023 / 16:05:49>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:50>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:49>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:45>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:39>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:31>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahah <19-12-2023 / 16:04:27>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:03:55>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr slap <19-12-2023 / 16:03:28>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:03:25>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !return <19-12-2023 / 16:03:13>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said gonna keep talking <19-12-2023 / 16:03:07>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said ok and <19-12-2023 / 16:03:05>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said just a skeloton <19-12-2023 / 16:02:56>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said im more alive then i was <19-12-2023 / 16:02:52>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr slap <19-12-2023 / 16:02:51>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !spectate slap <19-12-2023 / 16:02:47>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said to you maybe <19-12-2023 / 16:02:45>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumbyou're dumb <19-12-2023 / 16:02:29>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said tranq in bone. <19-12-2023 / 16:02:17>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said goodluck <19-12-2023 / 16:02:00>
Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !shownlr STEAM_0:0:80009642 <19-12-2023 / 16:01:53>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said they will kidnap you <19-12-2023 / 16:01:46>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said nah you're being skinsist <19-12-2023 / 16:01:25>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said smokin fat chillin bruh <19-12-2023 / 16:01:13>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said if you could so through your fat eyelids you would see im chilling you fat fuck <19-12-2023 / 16:00:59>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said super fat <19-12-2023 / 16:00:36>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said super fat <19-12-2023 / 16:00:33>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:00:27>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're so fucking fat  <19-12-2023 / 16:00:23>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fucking fat you're so fuckin <19-12-2023 / 16:00:14>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said youyoso fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so <19-12-2023 / 15:59:59>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:46>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:40>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:34>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:28>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:27>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat so fat  <19-12-2023 / 15:59:24>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said so fat <19-12-2023 / 15:59:14>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said supposed to be dead <19-12-2023 / 15:59:04>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said im illegal <19-12-2023 / 15:59:00>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said why <19-12-2023 / 15:58:51>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said can i have beer <19-12-2023 / 15:58:43>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said skinsist <19-12-2023 / 15:57:46>
Player Mr Bones(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Mr Bones) said why cant i come in <19-12-2023 / 15:57:33>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said // shut up no there isnt <19-12-2023 / 15:49:21>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said // no kos <19-12-2023 / 15:49:03>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /pm MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a MSMC <19-12-2023 / 15:48:49>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /ooc MoIsT ToMatOs why did you kill me when you were a Tavern Keeper with a MSMC <19-12-2023 / 15:48:47>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said /anon slut me out <19-12-2023 / 15:47:51>
Player servv(STEAM_0:1:457382269) (Fantasma) said // i think this guy actuallys rapes <19-12-2023 / 15:44:47>


Here is the disconnect log that shows you LTAP'd before I typed in the command to ban you:

Connection LOGS

Player Mild Tsunami(STEAM_0:0:62480144) (Meth Cook) said !banid STEAM_0:1:457382269 1w MNLR | NITRP <19-12-2023 / 16:10:52>
Player ❤️ (STEAM_0:1:457382269)  disconnected from  the server <19-12-2023 / 16:10:46>
Player ❤️ (STEAM_0:1:457382269)  connected to  the server <19-12-2023 / 15:49:57>
Player ❤️ (STEAM_0:1:457382269)  disconnected from  the server <19-12-2023 / 15:49:53>


According to logs you did LTAP and were being rude in the sit and to the tavern keepers as well. -1 for unban

Again how am i supposed to know that leaving before you ban my STEAMID is worse than breaking NLR..... i cant... be better at your job. you sided with the guy who wasn't even involved. i was asking a completely different person why i couldnt come in. the owner of the tavern. the guy you brought to the sit was a complete random. and being an asshole is not a ban able offense.


And to the point where you try to justify them killing me because im chat spamming. that is a joke. their job isnt to kill me repeatedly when im doing something wrong.... notice how long it took for someone to take the sit. and just to find out it wasnt even MY SIT. 


you could have easily gagged me for a day or an hour or something. instead you just decided it was easier for you and your buddies to just ban me and get it over with.


you clearly dont know how to do your job correctly and im not mad at that. but i would be very disappointed if this is the final say in something so small and stupid as commiting NLR 2 times.....................................


and the excuse ' oh i was going to give you a warn but you were rude'  did you ever stop and think why i was pissed off? no you didnt.  your bosses give too much power to the wrong poeple...

Edited by Servv
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You can roleplay as a piece of shit but sits are outside of roleplay so please be respectful during the sit. 

i like how apologetic you became after your ban but the moment mild posted the logs you reverted.


 Pretty immature ngl, but also just looking purely at the facts your last warn was 8 months.


 You did break mnlr making milds ban correct but i am still +1 for a reduction to a total ban length of around 3-5 days.


 Not because you deserve it but because it’s the holidays

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Just now, Crabroll said:

You can roleplay as a piece of shit but sits are outside of roleplay so please be respectful during the sit. 

i like how apologetic you became after your ban but the moment mild posted the logs you reverted.


 Pretty immature ngl, but also just looking purely at the facts your last warn was 8 months.


 You did break mnlr making milds ban correct but i am still +1 for a reduction to a total ban length of around 3-5 days.


 Not because you deserve it but because it’s the holidays

yeah patience can only go so far...

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