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Returning Staff Training Sheet


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Training Returning Staff Members
Do not send them this link until you have finished the questions.
When training a returning staff member you can either go through the original training process if they are not confident in their knowledge of our guidelines/commands, or refer to this document instead. If they are confident and wish to be tested, this document will save a considerable amount of time for all parties. No returning staff member should be brought back immediately to the Moderator rank if it has been more than 3 days since their resignation. They will start at TMod and work back up like any other staff member. If you believe the staff member that is returning should be able to start at moderator again, confer with the entirety of the Senior Moderator team and go off majority vote. 

Before going on to the questions, make sure they have the following binds set up:

bind [key] “ulx menu”
bind [key] "slogs"
bind [key] “ulx return @”
bind f8 "unbind v"
bind f9 “bind v noclip”

In this section you will be asking them a variety of questions to gauge whether they need to be entirely retrained as a TMod.

Q: What does RDM stand for; give an example of RDM.
A: Gauge their answer at your own discretion.


Q: What does NLR stand for; give an example of NLR.
A: Gauge their answer at your own discretion.


Q: What does FDA stand for; give an example of FDA.
A:Gauge their answer at your own discretion.


Q: What does CNTAP stand for; give an example of CNTAP.
A: Gauge their answer at your own discretion.


Q: What do the prefixes; I, A, R, M stand for? [If they are confused give them a couple of examples, i.e: MRDM, IRDM, ARDM, RRDM.]
A: Intentional, Attempted, Revenge, Mass.


Q: What command would you use to restart the revolt timer if the revolt leader was RDM’d?
A: !refreshrevolt


Q: What command would you use to freeze all props on the server if it was lagging?
A: !nolag


Q: What command would you use to end a votekick/ban before it goes through?
A: !stopvote or !endvote


Q: What is the difference between Gag, and Mute? What command combines both of these together?
A: Gag stops VC, Mute stops text chat. !gigamute is both.


Q: You are checking out a base with a building sign on it, it was reported for having ents inside. How would you confirm if there are ents inside?
A: use !spectate


Q: What command can you use to show you the death positions of players?
A: !shownlr


Q: What command would you use to uncuff someone that was NLA/RDA’d
A: !uncuff


Q: If someone is stuck up in sitland and !return is not working, what command would you use to send them to mainland?
A: !forcerespawn


Q: You have decided to give a player a verbal warning for NLR, what command would you use to note this.
A: !addnote


Q: Someone has just MRDM’d. What command would you use to punish them?
A: !xban or any other ban command


After this section you should have a decent grasp on if they need to be retrained completely or if they can continue through these questions.


Explain that you will be running them through three different scenarios, then ask them to think out loud or explain their process in how they would solve these scenarios through slogs.


1) You bring someone who was reported for RDM, they then say “I never RDM’d! The guy was in my base when I first shot him, then he ran out.” 
A) Answer you are looking for: I would find the first damage dealt in “damage - player” logs, then spectate log position


2) You bring someone who was reported for RDM, they then say “It wasn’t RDM, I was in his party and pressed my party assist bind before shooting him”
A) Answer you are looking for: I would check chat logs and damage logs to see if he pressed the bind before shooting. I would then check party logs to see if he was in the party before attacking.


3) You walk into the theater and there is an NSFW video playing. There is no one else in the theater, how would you find out who played that video?
A) Answer you are looking for: I would check theater logs.


General Knowledge Questions
Explain that these next set of questions will be testing their knowledge on our various different guidelines.


Q: What is the default ban time for attempting to crash the server?
A: 6 months


Q: What is the default ban time for MRDM?
A: 7 days


Q: Now that you're a TMod, what would you type in the reason section if you were banning someone for MRDM?
A: Extend to 7d for name | MRDM


Q: If you accidentally ban the wrong person, how would you unban them?
A: Reban their steamID for one minute | request a Mod+ to unban them. [Inform them that admins now have perms to remove bans.]


Q: A Victim from an RDM sit is requesting a refund. You as a Trial Moderator can not refund their weapons. How would you get them refunded?
A: Contact a Moderator


Q: When should you use staff commands?
A: Only when in a sit or staff situation


Q: How would you go about receiving help if you have a question about the rules/punishments?
A: Look for these answers: @ chat, tmod-help, and lastly if no one is responding attempt to go to dm's with an smod+. You can also inform them they can ping any rank in tmod-help if nobody is responding. 


Q: If you have an issue with another staff member, which rank would you go to for help?
A: Senior Mod+


[*]Admin Tools

Admin Stick
For this section ask them to run you through what the admin stick is used for, what each command does, and make sure they go into depth over the “force remove ent” option and when to use it. If they do not have the admin stick, have them !forcerespawn themselves.


Keypad Checker
Set up a fading door with two keypads, one keypad should be connected to the door with the hold length set to 8 seconds, the other should not be connected. After setting this up, ask them to identify which keypad is connected and which is not. Once they have identified the correct keypads ask them how long the door will stay open if the correct code is typed into the working keypad.


If they have answered all of your questions to a decent standard, and have explained the admin tools to you in the correct way, explain to them that they have passed the questions section. All that is left now is to read them a few things then they are on their way.


[*]Hierarchy of our Staff System and of Sits.

If another staff member has a player in a sit, you cannot just take that player out of that sit if you need them for your own sit. You need to ask the staff member in the sit if you could join them or if you could take the player out of their sit.


Whoever claims the sit, owns the sit. You should not just be teleporting the victim/reporter to you without claiming the sit.


T-Mods can only ban for at most 24 hours, so for bans that require a higher punishment time add “Extend to [time] for [name]” to the beginning of the ban reason then add a separator such as a “\” or “-” and include your ban reason afterwards once done a higher-up will make the ban time longer. Make sure to keep ban reasons clean and neat (Extend to 7d for Sugar - Mass RDM / NITRP) only include what the ban was for - no saying they called your mom ugly. If you ban for FailRP - include what the FailRP was (E.G. FailRP - Hiding in the sewers as a terrorist during an attack)


You should not be teleporting to or bringing other staff members to you without their permission. This can end up in demotion if done repeatedly outside of understandable accidents. If you need a staff member for a sit, ask them to tp to you in admin chat.

Staff members CAN take sits regarding themselves; however, they are not required to. If you are reported and know you were not in the wrong, feel free to take the sit and educate the player. If you as a staff member did break a rule, you can just warn yourself for it. Trying to bribe players if you broke a rule will result in punishment up to demotion.


If you claim a sit regarding another staff member and that sit ends in the belief that the reported staff member deserves a punishment, have them punish themselves. If they are being combative or refusing to punish themselves, document it using a clipping software. If you do not have a clipping software, proceed to ask them to punish themselves in text chat, then export logs for their steamid, and yours. After doing this bring the issue up to a Senior Moderator with the evidence you have. 


If you believe you cannot be unbiased in your own sit, call for help.


If both sides naturally come to an understanding then punishment is not necessary. 


If you feel you need updates with anything new in staffing feel free to contact a higher up.


If there's no higher-up available, you can always contact one in staff channels on the discord or pm them. 


Do not let your emotions get the better of you in sits, forums or discord, you need to learn to control your behavior and remain respectful. 


Use SteamID’s for all commands. If you are going to use names, make sure to type out the full name. Never use names for a punitive command, i.e; bans, warns, jail, etc…


Once you have finished reading that section to them congratulate them on passing, then give them these links: (1), (2), (3), (4). Explain to them that they can look them over on their own time. Inform them to check the pinned staff announcements in discord for any updates to the staff team they have missed out on since they’ve been gone.

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REMOVED: Q: Assuming everyone is available, if you have a question about the rules or punishments, which rank would you go to for help?
A: Moderator


ADDED: Q: How would you go about receiving help if you have a question about the rules/punishments?
A: Look for these answers: @ chat, tmod-help, and lastly if no one is responding attempt to go to dm's with an smod+. You can also inform them they can ping any rank in tmod-help if nobody is responding. 

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