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Annoying issue when cooking meth


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The plates not going into the freezer after filling them is really annoying cuz then you have to freeze the ones in the freezer and then freeze the one you couldn't put in the freezer.

How to reproduce:

Put filled plates in the freezer


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  • 3 weeks later...

what i have to do is put the freezer on the opposite side because if it goes into the filler thing thats setting next to the freezer the game things its already in the freezer

so i always put the freezer away from the filler thing so it dont bug out

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Definitely been an issue for a long time, but there's also a way to avoid this (this is only if you use the long tent, idk how it'll work with others). Essentially, you line all the machines up from vent up to the machine that actually pours the meth, a space, the vent, and then on the short RIGHT side (left side being where you actually enter the tent/ where I personally put the guitar case that spawns all the items in), having 3 freezers, one on that end, then two on the wall with nothing but the storage container (the storage container I keep beside the door too). 


So basically, spawner case on the left short side, storage container next to the door, all machines lined up on the front parallel wall until you hit the pouring machine, a buffer space, vent, buffer space,  first freezer on the very end, then on the front parallel wall, 2 additional freezers (good for xp meth like glitter that makes big batches), and then I have plenty of space on that wall to just put my boombox or some shit. This way there are no accidental drops.


This doesn't work for the bug that happens if you accidentally put a meth try, then an empty one followed by a full one (when you drop the meth, it will only drop the empty container, but when you fill it, it'll load into the next highest one rather than the one that you actually fucking took it from).


Enowapi clearly has a similar set up they use for their tent. Buffer spaces, buffer spaces!

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  • 5 months later...

This issue is caused by a set of code protections we have applied to all entities. Basically what the protection does is prevent you from touching more than one entities at a time with another entity. TLDR is I'm aware of the cause of this and there should be a way to fix it. To prevent this from happening in the meantime, try and spread your entities out far enough so that you do not touch more than one entity with the tray within 1 second. 

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