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Remove NLR in raids and add timed spawnpoints


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omg this would be so fun i could use 0% of my brain and just run in with my c4 in my grav gun whenever i want because i can just respawn. 

why would u want to make raiding less skillbased? sure new players but then that affects the new players more, a new player can a lot of the time lockpick raid old players since old players just arent paying attention to their base unless they hear a c4/timebomb (it has happened to me), now imagine that when the new guy kills the defender, and the defender just respawns in a sleeping bag and kills him. It would be bad both ways, along with if new players get raided by old players, maybe they get super lucky and kill an old player, they assume the raid is over and then magically that guy is back blowing up their base again.

old player vs old player it'd be way more boring than how raiding currently is, theres no reward for killing either side (there isnt 1 person out of the raid), and removes a lot of the punishment involved in making mistakes. imo the whole point of raiding is dont make mistakes, because if u do u will be punished by dying or wasting your raid timer, which leads to improvement, and the raid actually feeling worth something after ur timer ends. if i could just repeatedly go back i have very little to worry about during my raid which would probably make my raid when completed feel less like an accomplishment.

also how does this work with bank/kingdom/pd. can cops who are countering bank raids use this? can the raiders use this? what is the distance on sleeping bag to the raid area?
this would also just be used as a 'teleport to backup' type of thing (the cop gang talent), where players set up their sleeping bag outside of their own base in a hidden spot, and have their base member kill them when they get raided to flank.

not sure about this, doesnt really benefit new players, moreso harms them and would put them off of the server even more than normal since theyre seeing people just respawn to continue their defense/raid

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1 hour ago, Sae said:

Also imagine how annoying it would be if you were being raided by a party of eight-ten people and they were constantly spawning back


NLR isn't some crazy thing that needs to be taken out. You get a chance to raid someone, if you win you get their stuff, if you lose you can come back in 20 minutes and try again. I don't see any reason for it to be changed.

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