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Sky-basing Suggestion


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I would like to make a suggestion for skybasing.

I dont think they should be allowed to fully block off themselfs and have no way to get in there. If you have a bounty or a hit on them. You cant do anything nor can you raid it. 


They got this invisible prop covering all around. 



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8 minutes ago, cobaselic said:

they can't even do that to begin with, only the preacher job is allowed to skybase

well still. if a preacher fully blocked themselves in like that. I think its unfair considering its fully blocked off with invisible props and no way to get up there. We have no way to complete our hits/bountys if they can camp in a none accessable skybase.

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I tried to comment earlier but my connection was bad. I was saying that basing rules still apply to the skybases and only preacher can skybase unless it is in kingdom and king has a law about it being allowed. If the use of invisible walls makes the base unraidable or almost unraidable then I would not allow it but if it is an aesthetic thing then I would if it was a public base.

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