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Nerf the Kingdom


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Potentially controversial but I feel like it has to be mentioned. In terms of basing, it's almost overpowered.

Here's why:


1. You have to advert in order to raid it, giving the kingdom time to prepare. 

2. You have to lockpick the portal in one of the most populated areas in the server. 

3. As soon as you go through the portal, you're a sitting duck, no preparing c4, no area that's safe, you entered their territory and you're dead. 

4. Not to mention it has the most space on the map so you can easily do tons of plots, procs, etc. 


Not sure why something so overpowered should even be apart of the server. Everyone else has to defend against c4, even when it's heing prepped to blow outside their base. I feel like the King should be able to have his land but at the same time, making it nearly impossible to raid is not fair to everyone else getting their things stolen by them. I could be wrong about c4 but as I haven't tested trying to take it through the portal. More concerned about not dying to cp while raiding. Anyone that defends the kingdom not being overpowered abuses the security it provides to get rich. 


My suggestion: Find a way to balance the kingdom. Let the king have his cake and eat it should still be feasible to steal it from him. 

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kingdom is def busted as a basing location and has been for a long time-- this certainly isn't the first time it's been brought up, likely won't be the last either, as historically there's been a lot of resistance to much meaningful change


could always have a picolas cage friend summon the king while you lie in wait as the king's assassin tho, but that's just a scummy workaround 

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12 hours ago, Packet said:

Thank you for not adding anything useful to the discussion. Sorry we can't pay for our skill like you do. But that's to be expected if you work almost 24/7.

i don't pay for skill you're just bad there's a difference between being good and "buying skill"


instead of licking my ass in dms show some respect.

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You can't deny how much money you've spent on the server. I wasn't licking your ass, I was stating fax. I don't spend as much time or money as you do on the damn server, Of course I'm not going to be as good as you lmao. Never claimed I was. Go back to being toxic somewhere else you sad, sad soul.

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