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unused crafting items


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plant accels were reported as 1/5 exploits for jack johnson to receive respected rank, it wasnt an exploit, please revert plant accels to how they used to be with their radius, or make their price a ton cheaper, they were balanced as they were and just instead sped things up by an extra minute or so. please revert plant accels literal useless item right now they werent exploit please revert i love plant accels they are my baby and they should not be locked away for no one to ever desire using because they are dogshit and the materials to craft are WAYYY TOO OVERPRICED to make ANYWHERE NEAR breaking even with

boots of speed should also not reset  on literally everything, i get it changes your speed value etc etc, maybe make it something in the C menu hud (only appears with boots of speed active) That lets you toggle on/off the speed, allowing for you to maintain your boots of speed even when you get fucked up by 1 non lethal shot or you get kiss swepped in the street. Oh you're stunned for a bounty? Them boots of speed? Gone. You're kiss swepped? Them boots of speed? Gone. You hold a speed gun? Them boots of speed? Gone. You're shot by someone with a non lethal gun? Them boots of speed? Gone. Your speed updates at all, for no reason? Them boots of speed? Gone.

Goon eggs... no one uses them lets be real, can we make it so they are controllable via the bugbait swep, and make the bugbait either a craftable item or one on the CC editor so that they exist together, even with this, I don't think anyone's using Goon Eggs, they just phase through props so I cant even make my cages for them work, because they get too agitated and phase through the prop to go kill someone.

Goon meat I actually use but, I think to make them actually worth crafting and useful, higher tier goons should drop crates and chances for enchanted weapons or something, so that people start using the goon meat to max out goons and then kill them with goon loot. However, an alternative (one I prefer), would be to add the Goon Pet to the game, maybe a little headcrab or antlion that scurries under ground or something, and the higher tier goon it is, the higher odds it is of getting the goon pet (Not obtainable via goons spawned from goon eggs or the necromancer). This makes it so upgrading goons to max tier is a must if you're grinding for the Goon pet. Maybe don't make the pet TOO rare considering goons only ever spawn naturally at night, but definitely make it so it will take a month or two before getting found. Also don't do the thing where you keep lowering the odds of a pet until a ton of people get it then ramp it back up to the unobtainable odds.. (i am mad over hobo pet)

'Makeshift Axe' 'Makeshift Pickaxe'.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Bank C4. The bank is nerfed so hard that it never hits over 200k, I get the whole point was 'hey we will make it so that these people who are spending hours basing in bank to rack up the banks money so they can go raid it can no longer do that!'. By doing this you also made the entire point of the bank nullified. No one uses it anymore, no one plays bank manager, no one bases there, no one invests, it's a useless area on the map.
If someone is going to base in the bank, undoing their dupe to get entities, going out raiding to get entities, letting every player know they are basing in the bank, are all risks of just getting raided and losing everything. If you're stood outside of the bank for even a second you will get bank raided, killed and your base will be taken from you. Bank managers have also have the factor of 'oh shit i could get trained and lose all of my shit in here' due to the bank being such a small area and them literally being forced to be stood inside of the vault with their entities, making it even riskier to base there as it's not like you can fuck up training a bank manager. The bank is not a very long space (in terms of basing), meaning that if you get 1-2 c4 in a good spot, you're inside the bank. This combined with the raiding tools in the server means that the bank can get raided easily for its entities to discourage the basing aspect. In terms of raiding the bank for the money (the reason it was nerfed in the first place), that is a difficult task. Typically speaking, you will only leave the bank to go raid it during a time slot where there are high number of players active. This is because 1) you literally have to or else you cannot raid the bank, 2) you are probably going to need to raid it with a group of friends, 1-2 to spam E on the vault, the others to defend. 3) You have just stopped basing, which means you have now been in the bank for hours and hours on end (if you left the server the bank would've got raided by others no?), which means you have bought a ton of entities and just served their use, which typically means there are tons of players online. What does this mean? Ruh roh, there are going to be tons of CP. if there is the argument to be made that many CP will be new and won't know what they're doing, have a Ticker message go across every cops screen saying 'The Bank Vault is being raided, go and defend it!!!'. Typically the cops being new is actually a negative for the bank raiders, as they will NLR dozens of times, and none of the bank raiders can call a sit otherwise they diminish their numbers in defense. The bank was balanced, its easy to raid if you're raiding for the ents, if you're raiding for the money and theres people inside, its the same as raiding for the entities, but just with a few more people to play backup against the cops after the bank c4 is placed.
If the bank really needs a nerf to combat this thing, revert the bank to how it was and allow citizens to defend the bank as it is their money being stolen. This makes the bank nearly impossible to raid for a long amount of time, and will require a group of sentient/skilled (in gmod lol) players to successfully pull off a heist, making it less of a 'i afked in bank 8 hours woo!!' and more of a 'i afked in bank 8 hours and also am really good at gmod so i won against the whole server woo!!'. Also adds more risk because if they are killed, the bank can be raided by others in the mean time.

After that essay, here is a couple useless items:
Crowbar (??), Hook (??), Pan - wtf you literally have no purpose crafting this hello buy it in f4 menu?, Pot - wtf you literally have no purpose crafting this hello buy it in f4 menu?

As for the printer upgrades, you can buy them in the f4 menu, and no one uses them anyways, maybe make it so printer upgrades are not purchasable via f4, and are craftable (but for a high cost) allowing for more overclocking and speed but at the cost of dangerously making the odds of a failsafe popping higher. 

Bunker buster's are only ever used when you get them from a processor or crate and get a free 50k from selling it. Maybe keep the bunker buster as destroying cop props like a long-range blowtorch, but make it faster. And then (here's the funky one), for any non-cop props, you can use the bunker buster in the same way as usual, but to dematerialise the prop, of course this isn't like mat nades where it will fade the prop if its a fence, but it will still allow for dematerialising props, but at a slower 1 by 1 rate, as it doesn't allow you to bust a prop, continue holding left click, and de-mat through the entire base in one straight line due to it not fading the prop (unless you feel they should fade the prop aswell as you're putting yourself at danger by standing in the open left clicking a base). Maybe this would make them more useful, probably not.

Heal Bot's are way too underused as they are an actual good item, but no one uses them in their intended purpose, but instead to minge on the street. I think Heal Bot's should maybe send out waves of slowness/non lethal debuffs (50% movement speed reduction) every beep instead of a fling, or keep the fling but make the knockback weaker. I honestly think a non lethal debuff would still make it so the Heal Bot is good, but not make it so the base or whatever is literally impossible to enter because you are being flung back. Also make the recipe for this slightly cheaper (by a dragon egg or so) since it does require you to be a high level and this will be nerfing it.

Edited by Tene
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35 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

If you have the goon talisman I think they automatically drop crates

meant to say higher tier crates



35 minutes ago, HIDDEN said:

I am +1 to buffing the bunker busters but I don't think they should be usable on non-cop props, as there is already so many, many options to raid non-cops which can also be used on cops and I think if any base on the map is the hardest to raid, it is the PD when you get that rare intelligent PD force who have like 4 different dupes and are all guarding the PD.

maybe but bunker busters would be have to be buffed a ton if you're trying to make them the key raiding tool to raid the pd

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It’s not really that big of a challenge to fight the natural goons, most of them get stuck inside each other when they spawn so they can’t move around at all. Maybe disable collisions between them?


Also, if the Bugbait is gonna be able to control goons then the hobo job will have a new purpose

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6 hours ago, dyln said:

It’s not really that big of a challenge to fight the natural goons, most of them get stuck inside each other when they spawn so they can’t move around at all. Maybe disable collisions between them?


Also, if the Bugbait is gonna be able to control goons then the hobo job will have a new purpose

i mean hear me out i mean hobos IRL are most the time great with stray animals

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On 8/6/2022 at 6:40 AM, Tene said:

As for the printer upgrades, you can buy them in the f4 menu, and no one uses them anyways, maybe make it so printer upgrades are not purchasable via f4, and are craftable (but for a high cost) allowing for more overclocking and speed but at the cost of dangerously making the odds of a failsafe popping higher. 

Bunker buster's are only ever used when you get them from a processor or crate and get a free 50k from selling it. Maybe keep the bunker buster as destroying cop props like a long-range blowtorch, but make it faster. And then (here's the funky one), for any non-cop props, you can use the bunker buster in the same way as usual, but to dematerialise the prop, of course this isn't like mat nades where it will fade the prop if its a fence, but it will still allow for dematerialising props, but at a slower 1 by 1 rate, as it doesn't allow you to bust a prop, continue holding left click, and de-mat through the entire base in one straight line due to it not fading the prop (unless you feel they should fade the prop aswell as you're putting yourself at danger by standing in the open left clicking a base). Maybe this would make them more useful, probably not.

Heal Bot's are way too underused as they are an actual good item, but no one uses them in their intended purpose, but instead to minge on the street. I think Heal Bot's should maybe send out waves of slowness/non lethal debuffs (50% movement speed reduction) every beep instead of a fling, or keep the fling but make the knockback weaker. I honestly think a non lethal debuff would still make it so the Heal Bot is good, but not make it so the base or whatever is literally impossible to enter because you are being flung back. Also make the recipe for this slightly cheaper (by a dragon egg or so) since it does require you to be a high level and this will be nerfing it.

thats how printer accels used to work and they were a lot more interesting. They MASSIVELY increased the amount of money you made, but when you had printer bases with 20 or more printers it actually took effort to upkeep. The issue I see with basing is that they are removing things that are risk vs reward. Printers do make a lot of money at default and take very little upkeep, but id rather them make less money normally, and then be able to increase it drastically while also requiring me to actually put effort in.

Bunker busters should be buffed or removed. Make them double blowtorch speed but only work in PD or something

Heal bots are entirely just minge items, make it to where you cant place them in the street or someone elses base on top of removing the cancer push, it should be a defensive item.


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1 hour ago, bugman said:

thats how printer accels used to work and they were a lot more interesting. They MASSIVELY increased the amount of money you made, but when you had printer bases with 20 or more printers it actually took effort to upkeep. The issue I see with basing is that they are removing things that are risk vs reward. Printers do make a lot of money at default and take very little upkeep, but id rather them make less money normally, and then be able to increase it drastically while also requiring me to actually put effort in.

Bunker busters should be buffed or removed. Make them double blowtorch speed but only work in PD or something

Heal bots are entirely just minge items, make it to where you cant place them in the street or someone elses base on top of removing the cancer push, it should be a defensive item.


hello where is your +1 to plant accel buff?



1 hour ago, bugman said:



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