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Day 192 (has seriously been out since December)


Still have not found the non-existing pet. I have shoveled through hundreds of dumpsters with my hands only to find some used sex pumps and a whole engine. SO to keep my hopes up and to make this a bit more entertaining for me as I try to find the hobo pet I am documenting each day here. I'll also put in some funny things that  happy that day instead of me complaining.


Here's to the coming 200th day!

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Day 193


Nothing, Not even scent. No clues or signs. Just dumpsters dull of useless trash. Even with the multiple times the chance to get it has been increased. But I do not come here empty handed; I've collected some data. Dumpsters spawn every 4 mins. This pieces of information has made it much easier to farm efficiently. But that's it. That's all I got from my time doing this. Some things that happened today are that Snow reached 100 prestige. That covers today.


Here's to the coming days of anguish.

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Day 194


Unsurprisingly I still have not found the hobo pet. Don't have much to say as not much happened. I've started storing my trash in various places around the map for safe keeping. I have not tested this yet but I think trash doesn't go away until reset, not entirely sure though.


Here's to more mindless grinding for pixels.:KMS:

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Day 195


This has to be some sort of joke made to drive people insane. Either I am very unlucky or the chances to get it are astronomical. Just in the past few days I have done over 250 dumpster (I think) and I come up empty handed. Over this time I have decided that it would be in my best interest to never play this game again after I find it. That or I give it away; haven't decided yet. All that has happened today was just a bunch of rdm and rocks. 


Here's to continuing this wild goose chase.

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Day 197


Was hoping for this not to last 200 days but it's looking like it's going to be. As expected I have not found it yet; even after digging through roughly 100 today alone as I've been doing the other days. Won't lose hope, but I  might start slowing down when it comes to how long I'm on. Starting today I am collecting all of the trash items I come across and will be dropping all of it the day I find it which should cause some good chaos.


Here's to me finding it soon!

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Day 198


Pretty normal day overall. Haven't gotten the pet:Hands:. I am feeling very good about tomorrow so hopefully this end then. But we'll see. Not much happened on the server due to it peaking at around 40 players today which is quite low indeed. I'm sure once everyone settles into summer the number will rise.


Here's to more days of dumpster diving.

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Day 199


Today has been very productive.  I haven't found it yet but I gained a lot of knowledge. I learned that the chances to get the hobo pet are 1/4,000 as of this date. It might change in the future but that is where it stands now. Using this piece of information I have calculated the approximate amount of time it will take for someone to find it., When digging through a dumpster it gives you 3-5 items; the majority of them being trash items. You can also get drugs, guns, explosives, etc. So if you get an average of 4 items per dumpster you would have to dig through 1000 dumpsters. As found by myself a few days ago, dumpster spawn every 4 minutes. Take the amount of time and the number of dumpsters and multiply them we get a total of 4000 minutes, or about 67 hours. Based off of that and how much I pay on the server I should get the hobo pet within the next 3 days if I dedicate a large bit of time to it. I hope I'm right.


Here's to almost 200 days of this search.

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